Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Was Michael Jackson A Psychic Vampire-From The Ancient Rites And Rants File

Since Michael Jackson died, this blog has received a ton of hits to the update to a post I originally entitled "Michael Jackson-Psychic Vampire", but none whatsoever to the original post, which I have decided to reproduce here. By the way, it happens to be the third post ever posted to this blog, from way back in June of 2005 (which in blogger terms seems like an eternity ago).

At the time, Michael Jackson was also very much in the news for an entirely different reason. He was awaiting trial on charges of child molestation, and in fact faced numerous counts, including one of giving alcohol to a minor. I predicted he would be acquitted on all charges but that one, and maybe one or two others. I was wrong, and flabbergasted when he was acquitted on all charges. The original post follows-

Since I like to dance out on a limb, and sometimes have been known to saw away while I am out there, I will go ahead and give my own prediction of the up-and-coming verdict in the Jackson case. I predict that jackson will be found guilty of one count of molestation, maybe two, but not guilty on all the other counts. He will probably also be found guilty of at least one count of giving alcohol to a minor, but only on one of the misdemeanor counts (probably the one witnessed by the airline stewardess). The felony count, which requires proof that he intended the alcohol consumption by the minor in question to be for sexual purposes, might seem obvious, and yet from a legal standpoint is probably a bit too nebulous to warrant a guilty verdict. Finally, and here is where I differ from the vast majority of pundits, I believe that as pertaining to the conspiracy charge of holding the family at the Neverland Ranch against their wills, scheming to remove them from the country, etc., I predict that this will be the one charge which will result in a hanged verdict.

Most people will probably be inclined to vote Not Guilty on this charge, but I am thinking there will probably be about three jury members who will not be swayed from a Guilty verdict on this charge as well. After all, just because a conspiracy is unsuccessful doesn't mean it was never put into motion. Also, the fact that the mother at least was allowed a little lee way-some might call it giving her enough rope to hang herself, in a manner of speaking-could be construed as a way of divining her exact intentions. They were obviously kept under close surveillance.

Now, it will be noted that I did not say whether I believed Jackson to be guilty of the charges, nor will I, save for the misdemeanor charge of giving alcohol to a minor, which is almost seemingly undeniable. Otherwise, I would not deign to speak with any certainty on the subject, certainly not on the molestation charges. However, guilty or not, one thing is certain. Mr. Jackson is-well, Mr. Jackson is different. And that is really the subject in chief of this post.

I have long maintained that Mr. Jackson is a kind of psychic vampire. This is of course not a vampire in the traditional supernatural sense of the word, but is instead a designation coined years ago to denote a type of individual who will by ingratiating him or herself with a victim by some triffling favor or flattery, establish a hold over the victim and thereby draining the victim of resources and energy, including mental and emotional energy. It seems to me that, the subject of sexual deviancies notwithstanding, Mr. Jackson fits the bill quite well in this regard. In fact, he seems to have become a vampire by way of being victimized by them. Now, it would seem that his life may have indeed come full circle, as he appears almost certainly destined to end by again being victimized by a family of grifters, psychic vampires in their own right.

One need only peruse Jackson's history to trace the origins of his condition. This is a man who, as a young child, was not permitted to have a childhood of his own, and, despite the manufacturd image of a close-knit, loving family, was subject to physical, mental, and emotional abuse by his father, a man driven to achieve success in the music industry by way of his children, a success he himself could not attain on his own merits. Michael's young life was forcibly devoted to hard work, training, and practice, and constant beratements toward the achievement of perfection in the craft that was foisted upon him.

Of course, as time went on, Michael went into puberty. Now, at this point, the young boy who was never allowed to be a child, was now becomming a young man who, it seems, was never allowed to grow up. By the time he was a fully grown adult, the psychic damage was probably irreversible. Most people would have totally disintegrated by the process that he had undertaken. But there was one thing that sustained him. His love for music, which he did indeed have a nearly incomparable talent for. As well as dancing, for which he was to all intents and purposes without peer in the world of pop and R&B. He was also a talented producer, and composer. And the fans. He had a way of reaching out to the fans, with his talent, and more, with his longing for acceptance, and for love.

This longing for acceptance and for love doubtless propeled him to make many unwise decisions, as regarding the multiple plastic surgeries, which have left him at last with the appearrance of a not very life like mannequin with a sound track. It was said at one time that, in order to maintain his popularity with his original fan base, he gargled periodically with bleach, in order to maintain the high falsaetto quality of his child-like vocals. He became white. He became Elizabeth Taylor. He became Dianna Ross. He became Elvis. But he never became Michael jackson. That was the tortured individual trapped in the body of a trained seal, but still yet the powerful overriding force who manipulated the other personnas like a maestro. It also manipulated the fan base. It craved the attention and the love of the children that he could never more than long to emulate, even when he himself was a child. In time, as he grew closer and closer to his fan base, and to the children that swooped into his orbit, he absorbed their childhood into himself. He drew on their energy, and he drained their essence unto himself. The money, time, and resources that he expended in the wake of this pursuit was to him a trivial matter. Like with all psychic vampires. What was so important about millions of dollars? After all, he was getting so much more in return. He was keeping his youth. He was Peter Pan. He was immortal. And, if it just so happenned that it might have in time escalated into the sexual domains of which he has been accussed, then he would have of course paid well for it. And he would have in the meantime been not only a sexual mentor to his young beloveds, but a spiritual mentor as well. After all, everybody has to grow up sooner or later, everybody has to have guidance, in all areas of life. Michael would be there to play the role. It was his calling.

Of course, as pertains to the sexual aspects, like I said, I can not be sure. I am only theorizing on the why's of the ifs. And to point out that, if it had not by now escalated to the point of sexual misdeeds, I have very little doubt that in time it would have. Whatever the caase, now that the stake has been all but driven through the heart of this psychic vampire-or at the very least, he has been exposed to the glaring light of a burning sun-it will be interesting to see if it might be possible to piece together the remants of this disintegrated personality. If there is anything that is left to piece together.

(End of original post)

I will probably have some more to say about Jackson at some later date. In the meantime, be sure to check out my previous post, posted in the immediate aftermath of Jackson demise, which asks Was Michael Jackson death faked?


  1. MJ was too self destructive to be a psychic vampire.

  2. Michael Jackson was self-destructive probably because he hated the life that had been foisted on him from childhood, on through the entirety of his life, and to which he felt shackled. He subconsciously wanted to dismantle it. He might have even hated himself to a degree. None of that has anything to do with psychic vampirism.

  3. I think I should probably put that another way. The two are definitely connected, in his individual case. Psychic-vampirism and self-destruction are not necessarily mutually incompatible. In Michael's case, I guess they even could be said to fit like a velvet glove.

    In other words, his being a psychic vampire was a natural adaptation. The self-loathing would be another outgrowth of the natural, innate desire to break free from the chains with which he was shackled from the age of at least eight years old and beyond.

  4. I think this is the most convincing thing I've seen about Michael Jackson so far. It's also really depressing, but sounds about right.


  5. Wow, that's fucked up. You're right, Rufus, that is depressing. We'll probably start hearing conspiracy theories now about the nation of Islam. There might well be something to it, too.

  6. The rest of his family, aren't the picture of mental health. They can cover up, as long as they stay private.

  7. for casper5:38 PM

    I have never believed that MJ molested anybody. If you watch any of his interviews or home movies..he repeatedly says he believes God wants him to help people..and he is especially sensitive to children..he feels their pain and he wants to help..probably because of what he went through. He is innocent and you blogger person..are pathetic for not looking at the entire picture. "To know one thing is to know it's opposite just as much - else you don't know that one thing" Henry Moore

    RIP MJ you will be greatly missed..thank you for what you gave us..your life..your brilliance..and your generosity..and I know you wouldn't be you if it hadn't been for what you have been through - so thank you for dealing with it so well...you truly gave your life to your fans and to people in need no matter what from the time you were five until you passed. I love you so much for being you and staying strong. I hope you finally have peace and I hope you know there are many people like myself who have always believed in you...ps thank you for your sense of humor..I watched your home videos...you are hilarious and adorable: )

  8. For Caspar-

    I thought I was pretty objective myself. Bottom line, nobody knows for sure, and probably never will. More to the point, if you really want to know the truth, I don't really give a rats' ass, particularly about the little piece of shit he was prosecuted over in 2005. He and his mother were a part of family of grifters, who purposely put themselves potentially in harms way, if the well known rumors were true, in order to extort money from Jackson.

    The fucking mother especially should be hung from the top of the highest building for using her son that way. But of course, with these scum, the thing with Jackson was not the only scam they ever pulled, nor was it for that matter even the first.

    Having said all that, you have to be blind to not see what Jackson's actions and lifestyle had to look like to the most objective viewers. As has been said, at the very least Jackson was guilty of criminal stupidity for putting himself in that position after the decade of rumors that followed in the aftermath of the lawsuit he settled in the early nineties.

    I tend to think he was probably somewhat unaware of his own baser motivations. He had himself convinced that he was innocent, that he had children's best interests in mind, all the while grooming certain ones of them to be potential lovers when they reached adult age-or maybe in some cases before that.

    For you to deny even the possibility of this is every bit as bad as those who just roundly denounce Jackson and jump to the conclusion that he just had to be one hundred percent guilty of everything he was ever accused of, and then some.

  9. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
