Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Help! My Girlfriend Is A Preganent Virgin

That's just one of the examples of the Worst And Saddest Questions sent to Yahoo Answers. From girls with ping pongs stuck up their pussies to steam coming out of one to one wondering whether one might close up if it is not used enough, to one wondering how to get the popular guy at school to get her pregnant, it just gets dumber and dumber.

If I had known my question would have gotten somehow included with this bunch of dumb ass questions, I would never have asked them if a Jedi Light Saber was capable of harming Superman.

Be that as it may, to the woman with the nineteen year old son-if you did catch him in the middle of a love-making session with his best male friend, then I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that, yes, he is probably gay.

Hat Tip: Popehat


  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I just hate it when I google something and those yahoo answers come up. The ones for female problems are hilarious. Expecially the pregnant women, omg

  2. We should make a game out of asking them the stupidest questions we can think of, and seeing what kind of crazy responses we get.

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    If you're in, I'm in

  4. You're on. I'm working on one now, but I got to think of a way to phrase it right so it will look like a legitimate question some fool is really asking.
