Monday, June 15, 2009

Fun With Yahoo Answers

A "friend" decided to turn to Yahoo Answers for some advice, and hopefully at least one solution to a pressing problem "he" has been having, which follows-

If you can't find silver bullets can you kill a werewolf with a plane one if you shoot before he changes?

I have a old neighbor who lives right next to the woods and I hear a lot of weird noise at night from there like howls and what not. I know it sounds dumb but this is a scary guy he looks evil when he smiles and just stares walking by and I know I have heard things outside my window at night. Well, I am a good shot with a gun but how do I get to him before he changes? I know I can get in trouble but I don't want to wait until he kills somebody like for example me. I never use to believe in this stuff but one look at this guy will make a believer out of you.

There are only five answers so far, and as of now this is my personal favorite, from somebody with the user ID "Samurai Spirit".

You can torch the person until he is ash and dispose of the ashes within very long distances of each other or just dispose of the ashes with a type of acid, a strong acid that will dissolve the ashes completely you have to do this all before a full moon is due.

I guess that would solve the problem. Thank you Yahoo Answers.

There are only three days left. Come on over and join the madness.


  1. Anonymous10:44 PM

    OMG, Patrick. This takes the cake.

  2. I remember an old Creepy Magazine story where some guy killed the werewolf with the light of a silvery moon or something.

  3. The Vampire who ran for governor, is in trouble again, for terrorist threats and stalking, if I'm not mistaken.

  4. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Would you do a reading about my training class I'm doing now? (Goal X) or are you going to call me a reading addicat again?

  5. Anonymous2:08 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Sorry Mr. Anonymous, but the only people allowed to criticize me or this blog or for that matter anybody else who comments on it are people with the guts to leave their name or a valid blogger ID. Those who sign on as Anonymous are required to kiss my ass.

  7. Ren-

    Jonathon Sharkey has also been accused of either stalking a underage girl or abusing her in some way, unless I'm mistaken. He's really more of a fuckhead than I thought he was, evidently. He's just fucked himself, that's all.


    Just take your class. You'll do fine.

  8. By the way, I won't be posting for another couple of days, when I'll be doing a series for Litha. I got a killed song video picked out already to start it off with.

    As for Fun With Yahoo Answers, I'm going to do this on a fairly regular basis, I think. I extended my allotted days to get answers, but so far only five have answered. The one I copied and pasted here was the best, but there was another one that was pretty good too. Some guy said I shouldn't go through with it. If I killed the old guy and then told the police I thought he was a werewolf, he said that "wouldn't be a good move". HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

  9. Man, you don't even have to make stuff up.
    Is the swine flu being spread by Chem Trails?
    I had never just poked around in Yahoo Answers before. That place is nuts !

  10. Quim-

    You're right, it is nuts, and loads of fun. Bear in mind though, I might not be the first person there to ever think of doing this.

  11. Anonymous10:58 PM

    How's that for a big giant "Fuck you"

  12. No, Danielle, it's not like that. Readings are subjective. What if I did one that wasn't good and it influenced your decision? You have to put some thought into stuff like this. It's not a parlor game. Just do the class, and if you want some advice along the way, I'll be glad to help you if I can. But if you are really drawn to whatever this class is about, you don't need me doing a reading about it, just follow your gut.

  13. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I am dying to talk to you about it, but the anxiety over the issue is too consuming to get a good vent out on paper (screen?)
    I just can't wait until it's over and I know for sure if I will have "passed the test" or not.

  14. It's normal to have anxiety after a big test until you know how you done. Just relax, if you don't do good you can probably take it over at some point.

  15. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I hope you are right. There are so many factors, ufgh.

    If and when I pass through this, and it's all said and done, I am going to blog eloquently about it. For now, though, the anxiety is winning and I am shitting Niagra Falls.

    Check out my blog post about "boot-ay", you'd like it.
