Friday, June 12, 2009

The Devil's Excrement

According to a Venezuelan writer, oil is the devil's excrement. The Devil's Excrement is also the name of a blog, by a Venezuelan blogger who covers Venezuelan and other issues. Worth a look. He's no fan of Hugo.


  1. I didn't find it particularly interesting. The writer seems to only criticize.

  2. He never claimed to be fair and objective, he plainly doesn't like Hugo. I'm not sure, but I think the mission of his blog is to convince as many people as possible, that might now be on the fence, that Chavez is bad news. For that reason, you're not going to read a lot of positive posts about him on that blog.

  3. I'll just add that he is from Venezuela, and so has a unique perspective. If he were just another American blogger giving his opinion on Chavez, good or bad, I wouldn't have linked him. But this guy is living what he's posting about, presumably.
