Friday, May 15, 2009

My Homophobic Post Of The Month

Adam Lambert deserves to win American Idol based on his talent, but he will either win it, or lose it, because he is gay.

After all, if talent was the main criterion, then Allison Irahito would have shared the stage with Lambert for the final two. Instead, we have the imminently forgettable Chris Allen, a mediocre at best talent though pleasant enough.

To be clear, Lambert is a bona-fide celebrity in waiting, whether he wins Idol or not. His rendition of Steppenwolf's Born To Be Wild made a believer out of me. It had something of the hallmark of a kick-ass Jefferson Starship performance on blotter acid.

Make no mistake, Lambert is good. Really, really good. Still, I have to say, whether he ultimately wins or not depends on two factors.

1. Fans of the last Idol voted off, Danny Dokey, who is openly Christian, might cast their votes for Allen. Lambert loses.

2. Lambert wins because, after all, while only ten percent of America is gay, they probably make up close to eighty percent of the Idol male audience.

It just occurred to me, I plugged this as a homophobic post. Okay then-

Why was Simon Cowell so badly hoping for a final contest between Danny and Adam?

Answer-he sucks big Dokey dicks.

American Idol. Gay.


  1. oh for fuck's sake...The American Idol finale - red state redneck vs. blue state jizz gurgler.

    Ah well, props to you PT for having it first.

  2. Anonymous11:31 PM

    He's a hot piece of ass

  3. Surprise...

    Blue state jizz gurgler lost.
