Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yahoo And Their Stupid Advertising Policy

Would somebody please explain to me what the fuck is up with Yahoo, especially Yahoo Mail? I know I'm not the only one this is happening to, but I have to think its the worse kept secret on the internet, seeing as how nobody seems to be talking about what I assume is a new advertisement policy. If you try to backspace (I am guessing that's the right name for it) from Yahoo back to for example your Firefox homepage, it might take you five or six times or more before you get there. Luckily, there is a work-around of sorts. Click on the tiny little arrow pointing downward to the right of your left-right larger arrows, and you will get a drop-down menu that will enable you to go directly to whichever page you came from that you wish to return to.

But, before you click on wherever it is you are wanting to go, notice how many options you have to get back to the same exact page you are on. Sometimes there might be more than ten, and you might have to go back to the furthest one and hit the drop-down arrow again before you can proceed further on back to your homepage. This has actually happened to me twice.

I can only assume that some of Yahoo's advertisers are paying for this, because all that really happens if you click the regular back-arrow is-you go "back" to a different ad somewhere on the same basic Yahoo page you are on. You might have never seen the particular ad in question that you are going "back" to, but you are still being sent "back" to it, while still stuck on the same page, which from the looks of your drop-down menu might well look like you have clicked on repeatedly, even though you have only done so once, to get there.

Is it any wonder why American businesses are shot to hell? In today's fucked up economy, I understand the trend towards desperation, but here's a fucking clue. If you want to increase sells, you might want to think about not pissing off potential customers and clients, and there's not much that's going to piss them off as badly or worse than interfering with their browsing to the extent you hold them up or slow them down.

It might also be worth noting, that out of all the advertisements I have backspaced to, I don't remember a single one of them for sure. It would not be a good thing from the advertisers perspective if I did. It might actually encourage me to patronize their competitors.

As for YaHell, well, the times coming when I will have less reason to depend on them for my e-mails. They serve a fairly convenient function for saving folders and files, but unfortunately they are a third-rate, undependable service for e-mails. In fact, I rarely get an e-mail from any of my comments to this blog. I get comments from Renegade Eye, for some reason, but very few from anybody else. Many times, I don't even receive my own replies to comments.

Soon, I am going to rely exclusively on GMail for everything. There's not that many frills, but then again, who the hell needs that anyway?


  1. Oh! Those bastards. They're defo going for advertising bucks by making you clickity click click!

    Thanks for understanding me on Daniel's blog. Any type of dogmatism is dogmatism whether it's from the right, the left, the religious or non-religious.

  2. You should leave Yahoo mail. Would you do business with someone with a Yahoo email address like NationalCityBank@yahoo.com?

    The 419ers are not called The Yahoo Boys for nothing.

  3. Hi Ellie, thanks for stopping by.

    I agree wholeheartedly, I constantly battle against dogmatism and political correctness from both the left and the right. Sometimes human's natural social instincts leads them to follow blindly along into a herd mentality, and they need to be aware of it. If it ruffles a few feathers, so be it.


    Yahoo has it's plusses, but Yahoo Mail is definitely not one of them.
