Thursday, April 02, 2009

John McCain Wants You To Know He Really Loves Black People

And because Senator McCain is no bigot he is urging President Obama to pardon late heavy-weight boxing champion Jack Johnson, who in 1913 was convicted of violating the Mann Act when he crossed state lines to marry a white woman, a conviction McCain notes was racially motivated.

Interestingly, legislation has failed passage twice since 1996. I haven't made up my mind yet which side I hate most, the one that doesn't agree Johnson should be pardoned, or the side that wants to waste time advocating justice for a dead man when there are probably thousands of cases involving potentially wrongly-convicted Americans alive and languishing in jails and prisons, but which they can't seem to find the time for. Here's a bit of drivel from McCain on the matter-

Well, here was a bit of drivel but since Blogger's italic function is messed up, I'll just relate that McCain seems to think this would make a great impression on Americans if Obama were to pardon Johnson. It would show, as he put it, "how far we've come, and yet how far we have to go."

In other words, pure drivel from a doddering, senile old fool, who seems to view the American people at best as children who need to be taught life lessons in humanity, or at worse as fools whom he can cynically manipulate.

The Senator and his colleagues need to look into the possibility that there might well be people on death row awaiting execution, people who might well have been wrongly convicted, yet entirely innocent. Don't wait until they have joined Jack Johnson in death before you take up their cause just so you can score an even greater political point.


  1. McCain gets $$ from boxing interests. He used to try to legislate against MMA.

    The reforms he proposed for MMA passed, and now the sport is more dangerous.

  2. Good to see John McCain is focused on the real problems that America faces today. He's had to be the absolute worst GOP presidential candidate of all time.

  3. Ren, that's really interesting, I'll try to look into that, especially since McCain makes such an obnoxious ass out of himself over earmarks and campaign contributions.

    MZ-Good to see you're still around. Yeah, McCain was an awful candidate for sure, and you can blame that on the open primary system in part, and also on the fact that conservatives couldn't settle on a candidate.

    Mainly though, you can just blame it on McCain.

  4. I really believe that Mc Cain loves black people.. =)
