Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beware The Worm

Imagine that you were with a sex partner who happened to have a new, previously unknown strain of a sexually transmitted disease. Say this strain was so advanced that it had tiny little hands with which it could surreptitiously remove your condom right in mid-thrust. It could then go about doing its dirty work. What is worse, even though specialists are aware of the existence of this new strain, they aren't really sure what its long-range effect will be. Maybe it will make you permanently sterile, or possibly turn you into a sex addict, after which, after you have infected dozens of others, it might make you totally and permanently impotent. Maybe it would, much like AIDS, shut down your bodies defenses against all other known and unknown diseases, viruses, and bacteria.

Then, it might steal your passwords and your banking information.

Okay, that's not going to happen, but then again, I guess you know I'm not really talking about a venereal disease, right? Actually, I'm talking about Conflicker, the computer worm virus that experts say might well affect at least twelve million computers tomorrow, April Fool's Day. No one knows who made it, no one knows what it might do, and no one knows what to do about it. It knows how to prevent computers from downloading software meant to combat it.

If you happen across this post tonight, or tomorrow, you should really read this article from the New York Daily News.

Me, I'm not going to be on the Internet tomorrow, and maybe not even on my computer at all. Who knows, if this thing is programmed to attack on April 1st, maybe the simple avoidance of the internet on that day might render it completely useless.

In other words, for once, abstinence might well be the only proper form of protection.

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