Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This Year's Halloween Joke

This guy decided he was going to the neighborhood Halloween costume party, and worked hard at assembling the various items he would need to win the "Halloween Costume Prize".

Finding a can of black shoe polish, he set it off to the side as he sucked on one lemon after another, until his lips were swollen to more than twice their normal size. He then applied the black shoe polish until his face was black as pitch.

He then found some white greasepaint and applied it around his eyes and lips. He then applied red lipstick to his swollen lips. He then picked up an old raggedy banjo he found at a flea market and headed to the contest, dressed in his baggy pants with a rope tied around the waist and an old worn out pair of tap-dancing shoes.

He knocked on the door and, when the door opened, he started strumming the banjo and, to the horror of the party's host at the door, he began tap dancing.

"What in the hell are you doing?" the man asked. "Are you trying to be a smart-ass or something?"

"Why, Nawssuh," the young gentlemen replied with a broad grin. "I'sa jess lookin fer my friend Razmus. We's a' spose to go get us some watermelons to have for dee-sert after our fried-chicken and chitlins dinner."

A crowd gathered at the door, trying to get a peek at the commotion, but the doorkeeper motioned them away.

"Young man, I don't know what you're trying to prove, but we don't tolerate racist stereotypes at this party. I'm going to have to ask you to kindly leave, or I will call the police."

Dejectedly, the young man turned and walked away as the door-keeper and host of the party shut the door in obvious disgust, only to turn to meet the questioning gaze of his wife.

"What was that all about?" she asked. "Who was that?"

"Oh, it was just some smart-ass racist kid dressed as a racist stereotype," he replied.

"What was he dressed as?"

"A socialist."


  1. I made this one up as I went along, believe it or not. And here I was going to try to eschew any political stuff in honor of the season, but I guess I just can't help myself.
