Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Want A Hematite Ball

Yo if this ain't the perfect accompaniment for the Halloween-Samhain season what is? Hematite, which is an iron oxide, is the perfect scrying instrument in any polished shape or size-though of course the bigger the better, and this perfectly rounded orb is a real beauty.

Of course if you can't find one of these, or if you can't afford one, a regular old polished hematite stone is good enough. They are also relatively cheap. Michigan is practically saturated with the stuff. So is, it seems, the planet Mars. Well, let's just assume the recent Mars expeditions didn't just accidentally happen on one of the rare deposits on the planet.

Meditate over your hematite stone through Samhain and continue on a daily or nightly regimen on through to the coming Yule, when the Sun will be ushered into the New Year (the Wiccan-Pagan Yule, around the 21-22 of December) in conjunction with the dark, mysterious, powerful, disruptive and cathartic Pluto. Mars should be in close proximity as well. What does the future year hold in store as this one fades into the background and vanishes? What lesson have you learned from the past year? What do you need to let go?

Discern what it all potentially might mean to you personally by meditating on the hematite under the glow of a white candle annointed with anise essential oil, as you attune with the elements and become as one with the natural order of the cosmos, distilled unto the universe of your own little world, and all that good shit.

Be careful with your hematite stone, in whatever form you acquire it. It is a hard but brittle stone and easily damaged, so keep it in a place of protection, covered with a cloth, and cleanse it regularly, both psychically under the glow of the moon and with the elemental powers of earth, air, fire and water. Gently and cautiously, of course. Don't subject it to direct heat. The warming glow of a candle at a comfortable distance and for a brief period is sufficient.

Have you figured out yet this is one of my favorite stones?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    That's beautiful. I love hematite, too. Magick Cauldron has hematite rings for $3. They are supposed to absorb all negativity and break when they are full. My first one broke in the middle of a fight with my mother.
