Monday, June 23, 2008

River Sweep

This coming Saturday will be the annual River Sweep. Bands of volunteers will gather on both sides and the entire length of the Ohio River, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to Cairo Illinois, in order to clean the banks of garbage and debris. This usually results in the removal of tons of refuse. Overall, it has been a fairly successful volunteer initiative, conducted by the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, and involving "public organizations, civic groups, recreational clubs, and the general public".

I wonder what percentage of that trash and debris is made up of dead fish. Maybe they should put two and two together and realize there is a reason they are dead, and it amounts to the same reason they would not be any safer to eat if they were alive.

But, you have to start somewhere, and this is as good a place as any. So come on, folks. Do your part. Be involved. Contribute to an improved quality of life. It's your Ohio River.

Speaking of civic mindedness, this might be a good week to skip the weekly body dump. If there's just no way out, a good rule of thumb is that a metal drum or barrel will likely keep them down longer than a simple weighted chain and pocket full of rocks.

Remember-if we all pull together, we can make a difference.

"Yes We Can".


  1. I'll have to remember the metal barrel tip.

  2. Word has it there are a whole lot of "empty" beer kegs at the bottom of the Ohio River.
