Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Newest Addition To The Environmentalist Enemies List

Another frequent target of Democratic Party favored activist groups has just joined the ranks of those accused of contributing to Global Warming. Along with the enemies and critics of cigarette smokers and cattle ranchers-who are apparently guilty of increasing the output of cow flatulence-fast food industry critics have now added to the fun.

You got it. Fat people are contributing to Global Warming

Well, what can you say? How could people possibly dispute this evidence? Yep-facts are all in. Ain't science fun?

Fortunately for the world environmental situation, there aren't a lot of black conservatives and Log Cabin Republicans. The world is teetering toward the brink of destruction fast enough as it is, thanks to those damn NASCAR drivers.

As long as we keep their numbers down then, I guess they are limited in the damage they can do-well, if we can ever get them away away from the damn golf courses, that is.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    This is a nice blog. I like it!
