Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Real Witches Ball Mask Of Depravity

Former author AJ Drew makes an attempt in the accompanying picture to prove the allegations of brain damage he is always claiming. According to Drew, the "ritual" at the International Real Witches Ball was a solemn affair. Reportedly, five surviving victims of past child abuse related the accounts of their purported abuse. Afterwards, Drew presided over the ritual conducted aimed at Gavin and Yvonne Frost in effigy.

The bulk of the ritual consisted of copies of the Real Witches Bible withdrawn from the rear body cavities of the effigies, made to simulate their anuses. Drew and his wife Aimee both performed this action, whereupon they read the offending passages from the book, which Drew insists, to any who will listen (an audience which grows increasingly smaller as time marches on) that the passages in question mark the book as a "pedophilac instructional".

After reading the passage, the books were then literally shoved back up the Frosts's asses, from which, according to Drew, they shat them out.

The following pictures will serve as an illustration of the "sacred" nature of the proceedings.

One can only wonder that, if this was actually a magical ritual, involving group power raising and energy conducting techniques aimed at the frsots, exactly what these people are going to draw back their way. I bet it won't be pretty. Let's move on to the next picture for a particularly gruesome display

In this picture, an unidentified woman pours an apparently alcoholic beverage down the oral cavity of one of the effigies, in an apparent protest of a part of the book in which it is suggested that young children are to be intoxicated with mead following a fast, before they are ritually deflowered.

She is of course taking Drew's words on faith, a classic mark of the brainwashed in all ages. AJ Drew has continually misrepresented the fasting process as one in which celebrants are denied all food for a period of time. In fact, actual fasting typically involves a reduction of food intake, and limitation as to type of food. Nor is there any proof that underage children were actually initiated in this manner, or in fact in any manner, sexually or otherwise, by the Frosts, who added the offending chapters in their book thirty five years ago as a means of pointing out the cultural historicity in their view (probably wrongly) of such ritual initiations in ages past.

In fact, The Church of Wicca, founded and operated to this day by the Frosts and their daughter, Bronwyn, take no initiates under the age of eighteen years old. When the book was written, by the way, Bronwyn was a little tyke. She is now a major officiating leader of The Church And School of Wicca, and has firmly stated she was never abused sexually or otherwise by her parents.

But hell, why let a little thing like the truth put a damper on the festivities? Let's see what else the gang is up to, shall we?

This all kind of puts you in mind of Krystalnacht, doesn't it? Brown shirted thugs-in this case a group of Nazi witches-encouraging ritual violence against a couple of elderly people in the name of purifying Wicca, and Paganism, so it can be what AJ Drew wants it to be. Judging by AJ's views as regarding the First Amendment, which he insists is meant to protect "society"-not individual freedom of expression-I would imagine one can make the case Drew holds a rather collectivist view of Paganism.

Of course, we can haggle over what it all means. Druid adherent Shadowhawk, from whom I derived these pictures, claims they are Nazis, and compares Drew to a wannabe Hitler. I am beginning ot think he is possibly correct, though in some regards they strike me more as communists. Whether they are one thing or another, I know one thing for a fact-they are as much of a fringe movement among pagans as any other fringe group.

There are many people who take exception to what the Frosts wrote in Good Witches Bible who take just as great or greater exception to AJ Drew and the antics of him and is followers.

In fact, I went through a whole lot of past pages in Witchvox today, and found no mention of this event. Drew of course will insist that Witchvox is being unfair, or are corrupt, or whatever. The point is, if this had popular support among large groups of pagans, it would be impossible for them to ignore it.

After all, I am certainly not in AJ Drew's corner, and here I am talking about it, huh?

FIIZZZZZZZZZ-That is the sound of the little dud firecracker that was the Real Witches Ball-hardly the dynamite blast reverberating throughout the pagan community AJ Drew assumed it would be.

Thanks to the images goes to Shadowhawk over at Pagan Perspectives


  1. For the record, that was not the ritual which was a secret even to real witches ball people. I did not attend that ritual and do not know about, which is why I did not do anything but stand there in the photo... as asked.

    I do not actually know the Frosts and do think there are better ways to fight injustice then effigy stuff although the passages AJ quotes are a reason not to sell their product and get other people to do the same.

    Other people who paid for the event should be able to get the teachings and information they need despite any disagreements people had with AJ. There were good classes, people learned and grew, and this focuses only on one aspect to create the spin that people want to create.
