Tuesday, October 16, 2007

EBay Phishing Scam

WARNING-If you ever receive a mysterious PayPal notification from EBay informing you that you have just purchased something from the site for a certain sum, and you should click on a link to verify or dispute the purchase, delete the message immediately, or mark it as spam.

Do not click on the link, and if you do, do not fill out any of the requested information. This is a phishing scam aimed at getting your personal information for the purposes of identity theft, in addition to the potential of releasing your banking information into the hands of the perpetrators.

I got such an e-mail today, and realizing I have never, nor will I ever, purchase anything from EBay, I decided to do a little research. This is what I discovered about the scam. The e-mail reproduced on the page here is almost a word for word reproduction of the e-mail I received. It is the same, down to the same name of the person, and the exact same address.

It looks like an authentic EBay site page. Don't fall for it.

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