Monday, July 16, 2007

Gavin And Yvonne Frost

SPECIAL NOTE-I was going to publish Chapter Fourteen of Radu tomorrow, but I consider this post important to the Wiccan/Pagan community, so I am going to leave it at top of the blog for at least one whole day. The next Chapter of Radu is only of transitional importance, and can wait a day or two.

This is going to be a very dated post, in two ways. I recently noted an old post from last month on Jason’s WildHundBlog pertaining to the long time Wiccan American pioneers, Gavin and Yvonne Frost, in which Jason reports how they were taken to task by pagan author A J Drew for a chapter in an earlier book by the Frosts.

In one Chapter of the book, entitled "Good Witch's Bible", the Frosts encouraged the “ritual deflowering” of a child initiate, one who has gone through puberty. This caused quite a heated discussion on Jason’s blog, particularly in the Haloscan page of comments. Some people defend the Frosts, such as Isaac Bonewits, who relates that he has known the Frosts for decades, that they are kind, warm, generous people who do not advocate child rape or molestation.

Others would like to have the Frosts’s heads on a platter. One poster suggested the Wiccan community should buy their books, and, in individual acts of renunciation, burn them in a quiet, private ceremony (and thus avoid the possible result of the general public shining the spotlight on pagans as “book burners”).

Others would like to see the Frosts brought to task in a more public manner, even intimating at the possibility of a court trial, on the grounds of promotion and encouragement of pedophilia. A. J. Drew himself encourages this. Others insist the Wiccan/Pagan community should collectively denounce the Frosts.

Uhhhh-no thanks, you can count me out of that. I do not agree with Gavin’s recommendations in his book, but it should be taken in context. He was, I think, incorrectly noting the supposed manner in which earlier tribal people’s observed the passage of children, through puberty, from childhood into adulthood, and simply suggested this as an appropriate ritual for modern pagans.

I disagree with this, of course. For one thing, I tend to think this was, in most ancient cultures, all but unheard of, though there were possibly a few obscure tribes that did engage in such practices. Nevertheless, it would be a fallacious undertaking in any event. This is one of the things I have pointed out previously in regards to Pagan Reconstructionism. It is not always appropriate for modern times, and this would be a glaring example of such.

The only time a parent should be involved in a child’s sexuality is in teaching self-discipline and restraint, while not embedding within the child’s’ psyche the equally horrendous philosophy that sexual longings are evil and “dirty”. Yet, such longings should not be engaged in wantonly, not merely for moral reasons, but for obvious reasons of psychological and physical health, and the dangers of long-term consequences. When the child does enter into sexual activity, it should be at a time and place of it’s choosing, hopefully having considered all the repercussions and taking appropriate measures to safeguard against the unintended consequences of unwanted pregnancy or STD’s.

By this time, the “child” should by now hopefully be a responsible adult, and should have made this decision from an adult standpoint. This should be with an appropriate partner, chosen and agreed upon by mutual consent of the two of them-not by a High Priest and coven made up of family members and family friends overseeing the proceedings of the “deflowering”, conducted by the “most appropriate” coven member.

I hope I am clear on all this. At the same time, we should remember that this book of the Frosts was written during the period of the late sixties and early seventies, when the world was in flames, a period of social and sexual upheaval and “liberation”. A lot of half-baked theories circulated about child raising, as with other ideas.

As far as I’m concerned, the child “raising” theories of Doctor Benjamin Spock are far more destructive, in some respects, than this one obscure passage in one little known book by the Frosts. Yet, you rarely hear suggestions that Benjamin Spock be burned in effigy, as Drew has suggested for the Frosts. A good many people might well like to do that, but you will be unlikely to read any heated discussions concerning the possibility. Yet, the equally fallacious philosophies of Benjamin Spock are still held by many to be the standard on how a civilized society rears its children. As a result, way too many children in western societies are anything but civilized.

However, I will avoid turning this post into a renunciation of the abhorrent Spock. I just use him to illustrate the point that there are far more things that children are faced with on a daily basis than this issue alone. In the sixties and seventies, child sex abuse was not nearly the issue that it is today, and though it was known to have occurred (and many were appropriately prosecuted and imprisoned for it, well before even this time), the long term effects on child victims were nowhere nearly so well known and documented as they are now.

The Frosts-especially Yvonne (a former Mensa member) are intellectuals and idealists, and like many such people tend to have their heads in the clouds. I do not defend them, but at the same time, it seems to me that they actually believed that, were this the norm in child-raising, it would be much better than what they currently saw going on at the time. It always helps to look at things within the context of the times in which they occur.

When the Frosts wrote this, they doubtless saw the huge so-called “generation gap” that caused an emotional disconnect between families, and saw that it was widening every day. They saw the various manifestations of this, in the form of unmoderated and growing illicit drug abuse, astronomical school dropout rates, juvenile crime statistics rising to an alarming level, and-of course-wanton increase in illicit sexual activity amongst the young, resulting in an increase in STD’s and unwanted pregnancies.

Gavin and Yvonne Frost did not formulate this theory or suggest it because they were perverts, any more than Benjamin Spock actually intended to harm children. In both cases, they both probably thought their ideas had merit and would be beneficial. That it might help alleviate the myriad of social problems that were manifesting on an explosive level at this time-and which still go on today. It was, remember, during the sixties and early seventies that all of this manifested on a large scale for the first time. Yet, Spock was wrong about so many things. So were the Frosts.

It is right that their theory is widely denounced. At the same time, while the message might have been repugnant, that does not detract from the overall beneficence of the Frosts, who did much to familiarize Americans with Wicca through their
Church and School of Wicca, which still exists, and was one of the first such organizations to qualify for recognition by the IRS as a legitimate religious organization. In this one instance, they made a mistake, though with the best of intentions-one that involved nothing more than theoretical musings about a controversial, in fact an emotionally charged issue.

For others now to come to the forefront to denounce them and insist that all others join in the denunciation-or else-is self-serving and insulting. The entire Wiccan/Pagan community should feel insulted by such obvious self-promotion and aggrandizement. It smacks of Savonarola. I for one refuse to go along with it or tolerate it.

Remember that old saying-patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. In some cases, such as this one, you might easily substitute the word religion for patriotism. A. J. Drew might well consider that when he looks out upon the sea of twisted, angry faces that answer to his drumbeat. Hopefully, it won’t be a sea, but a small pond, a body of water with no inlets, and no outlets, and thus, stagnant.


  1. I have not, as you and many others have claimed, stated that I plan to burn a thing in effigy. The Frosts were not, as you have claimed, speaking of any ancient practice. The book is clear. They are speaking about using modern made dildos (nylon is a modern material) and they were speaking about "children" and definging the age as an average of 15 years old but with an entry leval which translates to about 10. That was 1972. However, they support what they wrote today.

    Being calm is fine as long as you present the truth and not a relaxed fabrication of business as usual.

  2. So you are saying you did not propose burning the Frosts in effigy during the course of a pagan festival? Interesting. I'll look into this, as I'm curious as to where this rumor arose.

    As for the prospect of this being an ancient practice, as I said, I don't believe that it was (with the possible exception of some very small, obscure tribes), nor do I think it would be justified were it the case.

    But, by the same token, I do not believe in the "Burning Times" or in some long ago near-perfect matriarchal society that was corrupted by evil male priests that established the patriarchy. Or, for that matter, that ancient cultures cast circles, observed the Esbats, and adhered to the Wheel Of The Year in the same way modern pagans do.

    Almost all pagan teachers, from the Frosts on back to Charles LeLand, based their practices on the theory that their ideas were the norm in ancient days, or were in some ways modern adaptations of earlier practices. Why should this idea be any different? I doubt they came up with this out of thin air.

    Like I said, the idea is repulsive, and you are right to offer valid criticism. But to use one half-baked theory as an excuse to disavow everything the Frosts have ever done or stood for, and in so doing attack any who refuse to go along with you-that, sir, if true, is quite a different matter.

  3. Bad news, PT - you've been tagged for another meme.
    No worries, though - this is a good one.

  4. I saw it on Burning Taper. Yeah, that one's all right, will give me a chance to promote my five favorite posts. That won't be too hard to figure out, most if not all of them are already listed on my sidebar.

  5. Interesting response concerning one half-baked theory. Per their teachings.

    1) Dowel rods are to be used in conjunction with nylon cord and was to create multiple sized dildos to ready the child for sexual initiation. The father is recommended as a helper.

    2) Monogamy if forbidden / against the rules.

    3) Fasting followed by alcohol consumption for minors prior to sexual initiation.

    4) Partners slice one another with a knife during certain rituals.

    5) Gavin Frost has been reported to use violence against folk who speak out against him.

    6) Accusations have been made about shootings and attempted murder.

    7) One former member of the Church and School of Wicca went on to become the University of South Carolina Rapist (convicted) who was also accused of wide spread molestation of children.

    8) Former members of the Church and School of Wicca seem to be the ones who started or at least greatly fueled the Satanic Panic industry.

    9) Current long-term friends of Gavin and Yvonne Frost are threatening physical violence against folk who speak out against the Frosts and they’re Church and School of Wicca.

    10) To this day, Gavin Frost continues to support much of the material in that book; most notably this year in a rant about destroying physical attributes of virginity in children.

    11) To this day, Jo Frost (Chief Administrator of the Church and School of Wicca) states she is proud of her father for standing behind what he wrote and points out that he has never recanted.

    12) The Church and School of Wicca says publicly that they will not take students under the age of 18 without parent's permission, but on their website they say you don't need a parents permission if you pay a $100.00 deposit.

    There is so much more it baffles the imagination.

  6. AJ, I went into all this at length, somewhat, I thought I made it clear I don't agree with what the Frosts wrote in "Good Witches Bible". My point is, you are looking at this issue from a modern perspective, as opposed to seeing it in an early i970's context.

    While I disagree-strongly-with Frost's reasoning, I would appreciate it if you would go back over my post and read specifically paragraphs ten through fourteen.

    If you are so bothered by this issue, then let me ask you a very serious question-

    Are you prepared to renounce the teachings of Doctor Benjamin Spock? Because in my honest opinion, his teachings have been far more detrimental and done far more damage-and still are-to children and families than Gavin Frosts bizarre little obscure theories could ever hope to do, in his or your wildest imaginings.

    Nevertheless, I'll take your points one at a time-

    1. Well, of course that is beyond the pale and I could never sanction such activity.

    2. So what?

    3. Fasting followed by alcohol consumption would be wrong for minors in any context. In fact, it's wrong for adults, no argument from me here.

    4. Well, if they do that, I hope they make sure the blades are sterilized, otherwise I have no problem with this.

    5. Uhhh, it's "been reported" George W. Bush was behind 9/11. Proof?

    6. See number five

    7. My understanding is that Gavin kicked this particular individual out of the Church in the mid-seventies. Of course, he claims he was set up by Gavin and Isaac Bonewits. The reasoning for this was that he was an apostate who returned to Christianity, then back to Wicca (though he was actually originally a Satanist-which is the same thing in his mind), and they wanted to destroy him, I guess because they thought he was secretly working against them-or some such rubbish.

    Anything is possible, of course, but when you look at the entire history of this person, and his bizarre conspiracy theories involving the "Illuminati", the Masonic Lodge, and the totality of his career, you have to wonder whether you can believe anything he says.

    This is a person who from what I see is unwilling to accept responsibility for his own failings and short-comings. Plus,of course, he made money out of his portrayals of Gavin Frost as some kind of Satanic "Black Pope" with Bonewits as some kind of evil "enforcer".

    8. This shouldn't be a great surprise to you. A good many people still are attracted by and gravitate to Wicca-or are repelled by it-because they think it involves "devil worship". If that is true today, how much more true do you suppose it would have been in the sixties and seventies?

    These were people who had an agenda, and joined in with other people who shared that agenda, which was-money.

    It was media driven, and had more to do with people like Geraldo Riviera than it did Gavin and Yvonne Frost. You will notice that after the initial hysteria, it died down rather quickly, and Riviera's career in particular took a hit. Actually, he never completely recovered from the damage to his credibility as a journalist.

    9. If this is true, then they are out of line, to put it mildly, but on the other hand they are probably spouting off from frustration. They feel they know the Frosts, to whom they feel a degree of friendship and attachment, and people such as that tend to take it personally when their friends are threatened.

    10. Gavin Frost is an old hippy, at heart, so that don't surprise me. Old hippies have a lot of strange ideas, few of which I agree with. They seem to think that if everybody in the world would just learn to sit in a circle and light incense and think good thoughts for an hour or two a day, all the world's problems would magically evaporate.

    Old hippies think that if an enemy army was to attack the country, all people should do is sit down and offer no resistance, and their violent, evil hearts would suddenly be filled with the milk of human kindness. That's why so many of them worship Ghandhi-they honestly seem to think peaceful non-resistance can topple a brutal dictator just as easily as a general strike would work against an occupying colonial power.

    They think if everybody had their guns taken away from them, well, there would certainly be no violence then, right? As if violence never existed before the invention of gunpowder.

    They believe all kinds of fucking foolishness, and you can reason with them and use irrefutable logic all day long, but they are unreasonable.

    Gavin Frost probably thinks that if "the physical attributes of virginity" were destroyed in children, then their first sexual encounter wouldn't be as painful and traumatic. And he might be right on a technical level.

    What Gavin Frost doesn't realize is that human beings have evolved in such a way as to insure a person's first sexual encounter is painful and traumatic, to insure the species doesn't mate too early, or too often.

    Sex is painful to the female cat for precisely the same reason. But see, that is reason and logic, and it is beyond Gavin Frosts ability to comprehend, because he still sees certain things through that sixties-seventies haze.

    But that doesn't mean you have to demean him or belittle him. You owe it to a person to engage him in honest dialogue as to why you think they are wrong and ought to reconsider their positions. Then, you have the right, certainly, to present your case in a reasonable way as to why you think he is mistaken, or deluded, etc.

    You can do this, I hope, without "executing" an effigy at a public festival, which, if you do this, I feel I should tell you, you are going to look petty and mean spirited.

    11.Is Jo Frost the same person as Bromwyn? Because the latter person disputes that her father ever engaged in or encouraged any kind of illicit activity, specifically involving children.

    12. The Church and School of Wicca is out to meet expenses and atteact new members, so this doesn't surprise me, as they doubtless feel, probably correctly, that to bar the door to children looking to join a WIccan Church would be to turn away a potentially large reservoir of possible members.

    They probably would justify it on the grounds that a child (in their opinion) has a right to freedom of religious expression and to seek religious guidance. So, as long as they cross all their t's and dot all their i's, then legally they feel they have a right, and they might even assert they have an ethical obligation, to keep a path open to any sincere seeker.

    Me, personally, I think kids have no place in any kind of religious setting, they just aren't intellectually or emotionally mature enough to handle that kind of shit.

    But hey, that's just me.

  7. Maybe you are right, that was 1972 and times were different. Of course today, August 2007 it would be different if Gavin Frost anounced that he wants to be a part of a standard way of raising Wiccan children in a blog post entitled "Frosts and Sex" where he continues to support the deflowering of child virgins.

    Words have power and it seems Gavin Frost is using words in August of 2007 to promote the words of 1972. But hey, he is just an Old Hippy what harm could come from it right?

  8. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I think pagans as well as everyone else out there need to try minding their own business for a change. dont aggree with someone else? tough shit , its not your life. tend to your own self and you wouldnt have as much to bitch about. and yes it was the seventies, i was there, pagan and respectful of the frosts, if the gods disagree with gavin... he will find out for himself. not your place to do so pal.

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    So for some literary offenders ? is it such a big deal, this is the crime , crimes of the word and thought. It is one thing to do something, it is another to write a book with ideals and ideas.

    Also naturally in nature look at cultures other than american/european western culture. People end up having sex around puberty, basically until the last 100 years because of the schooling system in the west it is this way (the lives now revolve around school). School, in the western world, is priority. Sex is not encouraged, highly discouraged, until education is complete. hormones and Nature folks.
    Western culture is messed up when it comes to sex. Sex is no longer an act which two people share and feel something. It is a controlled and calculated. Very cold.
    Someone tell the westerners in Israel you can marry 16 year olds. Why is this of no concern? I hear no world protests going on?

    People are pretty messed up about sex in the west.

  10. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I gotta say, it has taken me decades to heal from what happened to me at 12 in 1975.
    I appreciate that the majority of comments denounce those instructions, and that the rite being discussed has no place in wicca at all. However, for some it does.

    Whether Frost's writing had an influence over the group I had experience with, or whether this initiation rite had a life and source of it's own, I do not know.
    Had he tapped into something beyond the standard that others also knew of, and he alone went public with it?

    I have forgiven those that caused me so much anguish, faces I blocked out of my mind and have no names for, forgiven. In reading through this, I need to include the Frosts as well. Whether there was intention or not, if it was their influence or not, you are forgiven. The injury inflicted on me was paid for when Jesus took it with him to the cross.
    30 yrs ago, 40 yrs ago, my response would have been completely different. It would have been spewing anger and pain. At 12 you may think you know what you want, and what are good decisions for you, reality is I had no clue what I was getting into or the consequence of my decision.
