Sunday, July 15, 2007

Acesta este Ţiglă înăuntru Român

I a întemeia this răcoros web site that a traduce Român into Englez. Ce is într-adevăr răcoros despre acesta este pare la spre nu unic a traduce cuvînt it seară puts pe ei în propriu ordine cînd tu a traduce un propoziţie I think. Român de course is unul de la cinci România limbaj ( alt being Italian , Francez , Spaniol , şi Portuguese ).

As such , acesta este probably , asemănător alt , un foarte frumos limbaj a da la spre poetry şi la spre literatură. That putere a fi un tad difficult though I voinţă a voi chiar have la spre aşteaptă şi vezi cum simplu acesta este la spre a traduce , şi apoi atunci copie şi trecut this post.

Unul propoziţie la un timp probably.

I intend la spre a face nişte folos de it în course de la scriere de meu roman Radu. It voinţă a voi nu a fi foarte lung de la acum fiecare probably înăuntru Chapter Şaisprezece.

Iad I putere seară a traduce întreg roman into Român.

Pînă la such timp :

Sonia Clopot - A pune nişte fucking haine on , acesta este nu lung sexy după un while. De asemenea Hugo Chavez putere a fi bun pentru Venezuela.

Hillbilly Alb Gunoi- I sînt mergi la nuia a întrerupe meu registration la spre Republican. Apoi atunci , în primaries I’m mergi la vot pentru mare mayor lume has fiecare known. Energie Rudy!

Renegade Ochi - Comunist does neactiv. Niciodată has , niciodată voinţă a voi.

Rufus - Oprire insisting al tău student actually student , şi learn. I thought tu făcut nu believe înăuntru torture.

Alb Gunoi Republican - A face pe plac la , a lua that fucking tablou de Cutie Laden off al tău blog. Cel puţin oprire folosire pe el as al tău avatar.

Widow’s Fiu-Admit it , tu eşti part de la mare Masonic conspiracy , eşti tu nu?

Zanthera I know tu ai un bărbat , numai într-adevăr - noi trebuie la spre talk Chiar say cuvînt şi I’m “Northern Bound”.

Nicole - Hermes is chiar asemănător tot alt gods. Ei sînt chiar mare masaj de nebulous energy.

Meowkaat - Eşti tu un real blonde? A veni on , manifestare it la spre eu.

A vedea , acum I a putea seară piss oameni off înăuntru Român.


  1. I know what 'sexy după' means...

  2. You're channelling my administrators, aren't you? It's interesting how what sounds like 'actual' in Romanian translates to 'current'- the same thing happens in French and German. Anyway, yes, very entertaining.

  3. Rufus-I figured you'd be more likely than the others to be able to read it without a translator, since I gather Romanian is somewhat similar to French.

    Sonia-I don't think dupa means quite what you think it does.

  4. I have never blushed so much ::lol::

    I had to use translator myself. Curse my father for not teaching me Romanian his mother tongue.

  5. Zanthera-You're Romanian? Now I'm really interested.

    Yeah, I'm probably going to use that translator in the novel-Radu-I'm posting on-line.

    The title character and main villain is in fact the evil (and certifiably insane) spirit of a long-dead Romanian.

    If you get time to read it, let me know what you think of it.

    Hope I didn't make you blush too much.

  6. Nah I need some excitement in my life ::lol::

    Ya I am half Romanian (Father from Transylvania province in fact), half French, and somehow people think I am Italian or Portuguese. At least it's all Latin ::lol:: There's a language I would like to learn as well.

  7. Yeah, all of them and Spanish are from the same family of languages. Latin would be interesting, but useless unless you're pursuing it for scholarly purposes, or medicine, science, and law, of course.

    Romania from what I've read sounds like it would be a beautiful country, with a lot of mountains and forests. You're father though probably went through the Ceaucescu's and maybe even some of Georghiu Dej, so I imagine that's colored his memories of the place in a negative way.

    I would love to visit there sometime, and other parts of Europe as well.

  8. Anonymous9:50 PM


    Eu sunt Vantor de la Vampir Metrou.

    I am Romanian, Dupa doesn't mean anything near what you think it does.

    Dupa means, after or behind but not behind like, "your behind" as in butt, but behind as in "left behind". In fact, some of what was written above was so poorly translated it was unreadable. Nonetheless entertaining all the same.

    Dupa e Romaneste pentru "behind", nu cur.

    Nostru deabia astept sa ne cu noastem. Totul trebiue sa se schimbe si sa creez ordine din haos!

    Daca vrei sa sti ce zice, invata Romaneste!

    Traiasca Romania!
    Domn-al Vampir Metrou
