Saturday, April 28, 2007

Special Announcement

I had fully intended last Monday to post a portion of a novel I'm writing. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten as far along with it as I had hoped to be by that time. Moreover, I wasn't satisfied sufficiently with what I had written to where I felt comfortable posting it.

However, I am far enough along now, and am sufficiently satisfied that I can promise that it will be posted sometime over the next couple of days. Like I said, it won't be a complete novel, just a portion, what I will have completed up to that time. As of now, I have 47 pages. I assume that to be the equivalent of 47 typewritten pages. By the time it is finished it will be somewhere between there and 50 pages, probably closer to the latter. It will be roughly 40,000 words. Yeah, a lot for a blog post, I know. Hopefully it will fit into one blog page.

After I post it, I will resume working on it after a couple of days rest. I won't be posting any more blog posts for a week or so, maybe two. But this big a blog post is probably better served by allowing it to remain at the top of the blog for more than two or three days anyway.

Feel free to comment if you feel inclined. Any constructive criticism is of course welcome. Just be gentle please, remember this is my first time. I won't be posting any more of this novel regardless, still I thought it would be something different. Plus, the idea of doing this is the incentive I need to actually stop thinking about writing a novel and actually start writing the damn thing. So far it's worked.

Otherwise, I am not going to say anything here about what the novel is about, the kind of novel it is, or anything else about it. I'm not even going to tell you what the title will be. For one thing, I haven't really decided on that yet. The title I give it will probably be a working title. Maybe I'll keep it, maybe once it's finally finished I will call it something else.

Well, that's it for now. The next post you see will be the novel, then that will be it for awhile. Feel free to read at your leisure, and leave whatever comment you want.



  1. I'd recommend only posting a snippet, as one select page. I tend to scan more than read long posts.

  2. Well, hopefully it will be good enough that you would want to read the whole thing. If not, then obviously it won't be that good, at least not to you or others who don't feel drawn to read it in depth.

    I don't think that one or two pages would be sufficient to give you much of a feel for what the novel is, or even what it's about.

    By the way, Renegade, you tend to have the longest posts of any blog I read. Some of your posts could be books in their own right. Or at least very long articles.

    Not that I'm complaining about that. But just the same, judging by your own criterion, do you feel that some of those longer posts would be sufficient if you cut them down to maybe the equivalent of one or two pages?

  3. I'm looking forward to reading your work and to seeing how well the idea of posting a sample of a book on your blog works out for you.

    A good bit of positive feedback would have to be an encouragement to finish the project.

  4. Exactly, Lemuel. Besides, I figure it's something different anyway. There have been a few parts I haven't been satisfied with, and still ain't really, and I've had to struggle to keep from rushing through them. By and large, though, I think it's almost ready.

    Let me know what you think about it. Who knows, maybe I might start a trend. Maybe you might even want to consider a try at posting a sci fi story.

  5. Hey PT -

    I see you've got a new decorator, too. The jury's still out on that, but it's not too bad on the eyes so far.

    I've seen other blogsters post books by starting a new blog, so it doesn't screw up their existing blog. Thy may have to break the chapters up, but personally I don't know what the text limits are. I would just mention that I have a difficult time reading very long passages by scrolling down.

    I've also seen some authors post a text file for d/loading. I usually grab the file and synch it to my Palm and read it offline.

  6. Tom-hope you like the new look. And yeah, I thought about that, ad might do it for it's own blog, then put it at the top of my blogroll.

    As far as the new look, I'm still experimenting. I've got a lot of ideas for it. This new drag and drop thing is really cool. Notice how I've got the comments link at the top of the posts now? That way, I figure if people want to keep up on the comments, they can do so without having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the posts they've already read once. Will come in especially handy for long posts.

  7. Ah, so you've gone over to the Dark Side and switched to Blogger no-longer-Beta, huh?

    How did you get the Comment link at the top? I'm either blind or dense, because I can't figure that out.

    Did you realize that you can put your own comment feed into your blog to let people see the most recent comments? There is a "feed" widget. Your blog feed would be:

    and your comment feed is:

    By putting your own comment feed in the widget, you can see the 5 most recent comments. Takes about an hour or two to update, though. The "default" at the end makes it carry the feed designated in your Dashboard settings.

  8. I'm blind.

    Actually, they must have added or changed this since I last looked at it.

    And frankly, after all the gushing I've done about Wordpress, I have found that I'm leaning back toward Blogger... although I'm sure that will change in a few months when they come up with some other cool feature.
