Friday, March 09, 2007

What Is The Secret? What Secret?

In the beginning, before the vast explosion of the universe, all the energy contained therein could have conceivably fit onto the head of a pin, maybe less space than that. When this all finally erupted, it was chaos unbridled.

So, what finally bridled this chaos, gave it this new and on-going semblance, this illusion, of order? Was it by by any chance something called “The Secret”?

No. It was nothing that can’t be explained quite succinctly. You have movement of physical mass which by it’s nature creates a force which serves as both an attractor of a smaller body to a larger one, while at the same time serving to keep the attracted body within general limited parameters.

Thus the the sun’s force field attracts the earth, and all other planets within it’s orbit, where they all stay positioned within a set orbit determined by their mass, make-up, gravity, speed, etc-yet the same force field keeps them from getting any closer than what they presently are-for the time being-or any further away.

The same principle can be observed in regards to the earth and our moon. There is no grand scheme here, no master plan at work. It just is.

But chaos is still at the root of the universe and it’s formation, ans so invariably there will be collisions of objects, of meteors, comets, asteroids, planets, and even galaxies. There is even a school of thought that claims the present period of global warming may be caused by a large patch of radiation emitted from the time the universe was just formed, which we are now entering into. Why, because of some divine master plan?


The Secret, in the meantime, is nothing really new. It is just another attempt to make sense out of this chaos by ascribing some divine master blueprint which is supposedly available to be tapped into. Just a newer version of “The Power Of Positive Thinking”. Or even a newer version perhaps of the laws of karma.

True, it has some validity. The tapping into the vast universal energy field which we are all a part of is a viable philosophy, and even utilizing that energy to create change. That is in fact the essence of magick, of witchcraft.

But The Secret has a built in flaw that is already threatening to rupture it into a schism. One school of thought takes into account the existence of the chaos factor, albeit to a limited extent. Yet another does not accede this much. To this last school of thought, nothing happens that there is not a reason for it. Thus, when eight year old Jessica Lunsford was abducted from her Florida home, form her bedroom, while sleeping in the middle of night, by forty two year old multiple convicted sex offender John Couey, and was held prisoner in his trailer bedroom, in a closet, tied and gagged, and over a course of several days beaten and raped, along with whatever else she was subjected to-somewhere deep down in her subconscious mind she attracted somehow this atrocity on herself that lead to her eventual death by being buried alive in garbage bags under the trailer.

Uhhhh-no, she didn’t.

This is the major flaw in most religions and spiritual philosophies and disciplines. While insisting on a master plan, on an all-powerful, loving, all-wise creator, it ends up falling apart by failing to take into account one of the fundamental building block of the universe.

Without chaos, we have nothing, we are nothing. By all means utilize the Secret, or any other such discipline that encourages positive growth and change in combination with living right, acting in positive ways, utilizing the powers of love, forgiveness, etc. But if a plane falls out of the sky in the middle of the night and crashes into your house, and destroys it, and kills you and everybody else inside it, who are you going to blame? Yourself? God? The devil. The pilot? The airline? A terrorist or other crazed passenger(s)? I bet in the last minute of your life, you might well find yourself asking, “what did I do to deserve this?”

The answer, of course, is nothing. Yet, if you are like a good many people, you might find yourself wondering this, in your last minute of life, and that would be a shame. Even if there is an understandable set of circumstances that can explain why the plane fell out of the ground, it still doesn’t account for what made it fall on your house, as opposed to a neighbors, or in an open field, or a skyscraper seven blocks away. Nothing, that is, except the thrust of the plane, the velocity of it’s descent, and gravity, in combination with the exact part of the sky it all transpired. You were not, I would wager, sending out an energy field that caused the pilot to go nuts and kill himself and his co-pilot at just the right moment for the plane to be attracted to the exact spot which would insure your destruction.

There is science and there is fantasy. The Secret contains way too little of the first, and way too much of the second.


  1. The Secret is just a repackaging of the same ole religious ideas, tenents, etc. They just repackaged it and went on a media blitz so you'd buy the book and they could get your money. It's all glitzy, you buy the book and think your life will be great, when, duh, it's the same stuff you've been reading and learning about at your religious service your whole life.

  2. I'd actually heard of this thing more than a year before it became well known, but when I got the promotions in my in-box, it was never clear what the big secret was to be revealed. When I finally learned, I was like, "oh, THAT again"!

    I just find it hard to take this shit seriously, it belongs entirely in the realm of fantasy land, with a good helping of wishful thinking mixed in. But there's very little reality here. No secret, just the same old jive.
