Thursday, March 15, 2007

Partisan Hacks-Why I'll Never Be One

Ann Coulter has finally done it. She's succeeded in pissing me off. Well, ok, she done it once before, with her statements about the 9/11 Widows, who, according to her, were the first women she had ever seen "enjoy their husbands deaths so much".

Well, her latest salvo tops even that one. She has now gone way over the top by putting the blame for the recent scandal of the Walter Reed Outpatient Treatment Center-on the Democrats.

Yep, according to Annie, this whole mess would have never come about if only those evil Democrats did not insist on civil service protections for federal employees. Because of this, you see, it's impossible for all practical purposes to fire any government employee, therefore they can merrily draw their pay while doing diddly squat while Building 18 is overrun by rodents and mold gathers on the walls. She even implies that in the event that they were ordered to correct any such problems that might arise, they could just pretty well tell their supervisors to go suck eggs.

She then goes on to remind us that when former Senator Max Cleland, a decorated Vietnam War veteran-and double amputee as a result of his service in that conflict-ran for re-election in 2002, he was accused by the Republican Party of being a terrorist sympathizer for having the temerity to insist that federal employees of the newly created boondoggle-err, Department of Homeland Security-be granted the same civil service protections as all other federal employees.

Those goddamned labor loving Democrats!! Don't they know that federal employees are mere worker ants, and should be fired at the drop of a hat if they don't toe the line and do what the fuck they're told-sort of like federal prosecutors?

Actually, Anne misses the mark, like all partisan hacks do. This ain't the fuck about Democrat versus Republican. It's about the welfare of our fucking veterans. Oh, wait, I'd better not use the word welfare, that might be misconstrued. Anybody with a brain knows the only people that have a right to fucking welfare are multi-national corporations and illegal immigrants.

Ok,then, it's about the well being of our veterans. You know, the people that have been sent to a fucking stupid ass unnecessary war and are in a great many cases returning sans legs, arms, faces, scrotums, and sanity. Yeah, the ones the GOP loves so much yet just can't agree to funding embryonic stem cell research that might cure them. After all, that might prevent the births of multiple thousands of potential "souls" that can then be saved, and then sent to be yet more fucking cannon fodder.

Those are the ones this is about, not the fucking Democrats, not the fucking Republicans. It's about taking care of the ones that are supposed to be taking care of us.

It's not about casting blame, it's about demanding solutions to the red tape and bureaucracy that BOTH parties have encouraged and nurtured over the decades which in turn has resulted all too often in this kind of horseshit.

Baaaaad Anne. Baaaaad Anne.


  1. Ann Coulter is an easy target. She was my first Assclown Award recipient and the reason I created those awards in the first place. She got it for saying that the government should be spying on all Arabs, engaging in torture as a televised spectator sport, dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East, and sending liberals to Guantanamo.

    I never gave anybody two Assclown Awards, but I am awfully tempted in her case...

  2. You are a hodgepodge of salient and jumbled thought.

  3. Sonia-Coulter engages in a lot of hyperbole which at times is indistinquishable from her actual points. I don't let that bother me so much. Still-

    Spying on all Arabs-Better than giving all of them a complete pass out of a misguided sense of "fairness", which seems to be the mindset of the vast majority of the left.

    Torture as a spectator sport-Hey, we can make it like "American Idol", or "Survivor", every week the audience can call in and vote somebody off Gitmo-feet first.

    Dropping daisy cutters wantonly throughout the Middle East-What harm would do a few daisy cutters? there's nothing there but a bunch of fucking sand.

    See, sweetie, I'm trying my damndest to win one of those "Assclown Awards", but you keep ignoring me. One of these days, though.

    Oh, and CB-Just like the universe itself, chaos abounds here, the semblance of order you perceive is merely an illussion.

  4. I'm trying my damndest to win one of those "Assclown Awards", but you keep ignoring me.

    You're not the only one. Your pal Aladdinslad is also trying hard with his latest post praising Uday Hussein, but he won't get an "Assclown Awards" for it, because his post is obviously a joke...

  5. Yeah, I read that. To tell you the truth I don't know if he's joking or not. With him it's hard to tell sometimes whether he's being serious or just being a fuck off.

  6. I am sure it's a joke. Some day, he might give Borat a run for his money...
