Monday, February 05, 2007

Sometimes, The More You Know The Worse It Gets

You know the Bible 100%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

Thanks to Lemuel from Hillbilly White Trash for helping me prove I know the Bible as much as he does.


  1. Hmm got 66% Not bad for not touching a Bible since '87 and that was when I had to memorize Psalms 23 for CRI class.

  2. Well, what done it for me was simply that I knew which books of the Bible mentioned on the test belonged in the Old Testament, and which ones belonged in the New Testament. That, the fact I knew there were 66 books (there's that 66 again), and the New testament has most of them, plus I have more familiarity with it to begin with than the average bear. (Not too many people know the story of Balaam and his talking donkey).

    From there it was a combination of knowledge, some guesswork, and knowing such obvious answers as that it was a Samaritan that stopped and helped the injured man on the road, not Donald Trump.

  3. I scored a 90%.

    Not bad for a Taoist ex-Catholic Freemason.

    Tom Accuosti
    The Tao of Masonry

  4. Hey Tom do you remember which questions you missed? Was it the talking donkey question or the one about Job's friends? Actually, I thought the test was way easy.

  5. Old Testament stuff. I think. Did it give the answers?

    Personally, I like taking the Bible tests over on Landover Baptist instead. They're much funnier.

    Tom Accuosti
    The Tao of Masonry

  6. It might have a link for the right answers, but I didn't see it. I just took the test and hit the link at the bottom and got the results.

    You're right about Landover Baptist, they had one test in particular that was downright hilarious. The whole site is a scream, though some of it is really over the top, the only problem with that being that it is too obviously a satire.

    Still, it manages to fool a lot of people, and pisses off a lot more even though they know it's satire.

  7. Still, it manages to fool a lot of people, and pisses off a lot more even though they know it's satire.

    Even funnier are the letters - they post a collection of emails that they receive from people who apparently need some new batteries for their clue meters.

    Tom Accuosti
    The Tao of Masonry

  8. I know, I've read some of those e-mails, though it's been a while since I've been on, I stopped logging on a while back when I tried once and got an error message saying you couldn't access the site through Yahoo. Otherwise, I used to go on there from time to time.

    I told them once they should conduct fake old time revival tent style meetings, do a series of them in different parts of the country, and have somebody like Michael Moore film them in a kind of documentary format and see who all shows up for the services and how they acted, etc.

    I never got a response to that, but I'm guessing they probably don't have the resources for that kind of set-up.

    You are way too kind regarding the intellectual prowess of those letter writers, though. What they are is a bunch of grade A loons.
