Friday, February 09, 2007

God Visits Divine Wrath Upon Evil Kentucky Toddlers

Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church have reportedly changed their minds about protesting at the funeral of ten people who died in a house fire in Bardstown Kentucky earlier in the week. Instead of protesting the funeral, they have reportedly decided to deliver a one hour to hour and a half radio address, although it is unclear as of yet as to what radio station they will appear on.

Their reasons for wanting to conduct this protest of the funerals of ten private citizens of Kentucky-it is God’s sign of his wrath against the evil of America. The ten victims of the fire, they claim, are now in hell, did not know God, and are therefore undeserving of his mercy, protection, or of heaven.

Of the ten people who died in one of the worse house fires in Kentucky history, the majority of them were children, either teenagers or younger. One was an eleven year old child. Another victim was merely a year old. A young boy named Johnny Litsey was all of two years old. Two twin girls also died in the fire. As of now, the cause of the fire has yet to be determined.

However, though it cannot technically be ruled out, there have been no reported sightings, so far, of fire from heaven.

God has had a busy week. He also managed to put an end to the vile evil doings of four children, ages 7 to 14, in a house fire in Maryville, Tennessee.

Praise The Lord.


  1. Ciao,
    I read this on empoweredpaganvoices, and it makes me sick! I have a mind to send them a comment or two...but I won't. That would make me just as bad, AND give them the attention that they want. These people just claim to be one thing, then do something completely different. They hide behind a "Bible" and a religion, using it to serve their own purpose of causing others ill intentioned things and unacceptable pain for no good Damn reason at all (excuse the language but I was pissed and still am)
    I pitty those poor parents of those children that died, REGARDLESS of their beliefs. We are ALL the earth's children. Not just a select few that fit into a nice little box catagory for some "God" Hmph. grrrss....
    I've met nice upholding Christians in my life, Hell my sister married one. He is openminded. But NEVER never have I ever seen people like this in this world. Someone needs to put a stop to them. Just because we are free in the US does NOT mean we have the right to use that freedom to make others feel lower than ourselves, or as these people are doing, lower than dirt! GRR....

  2. Forgot to sign my name. I'm Elisa Aurora, YIM:

  3. Well said, Salice, to say anything to them is just feeding Phelps's messianic delusions, or whatever delusions he is suffering from. Nothing you could say to him would hurt his feelings or change his mind, so best to remain content with pointing out the obvious idiocy of his position, and try to laugh about it.

    If you become a frequent visitor to this blog, by the way, you will quickly catch on that the last thing you have to worry about here is the type of lanquage you use. Feel free.

    Nice to meet you.

  4. *snort*

    Okay, I read the God Hates Gaffes website. Sweet Sassy Molassie! Those folks are, um, a bit on the extreme side, aren't they?

    I tend to look at those kind of groups as being self-limiting.

    Hey PT - how did you get Blogroll to indent the links after the initial one in each group? I don't see any setting for that.

    Tom Accuosti
    The Tao of Masonry

  5. Tom-I have no idea how that happened, it had nothing to do with anything I done, which was just take off a few links and add a few more, and that's just how it ended up. It might have something to do with Blogger, or it might be Blogrolling, I don't know.

    I also took off a few old links from my top links section and it ended up as empty spaces with diamonds where the old links used to be.
