Saturday, December 09, 2006

Free Tarot Reading Site-A Great One From Llewellyn

Click on the post title for the link to Llewellyns Free Tarot Reading Site. I don't promote sites like this very often, so you should know that, if tarot is your thing, this is definitely the site for you.

If you are into tarot, you can spend all day on this site and never get tired of it. Just pick out whatever tarot deck you prefer, and have at it. Unfortunately, the Ryder-Waite deck is not included, nor is my personal favorite, the Mythic Tarot, which is the deck I learned on. However, the Golden Dawn deck is included. Moreover, Llewellyns own deck is quite beautiful.

Even if you ae not familiar with the tarot, each card that appears in a spread here is explained in great detail, so much so that it would actually be a good beginners guide to actually learning the tarot.

Of course, it can’t ever replace a deck that you can actually hold in your hands, and shuffle. At the same time, for what it is, I am pleased with it. After you pick the deck you want to use, go on down and pick the kind of spread you want to use. Then, think of the question you want to ask. Finally, once your mind is fully concentrated on the question, click on the link to get your reading.

The three card spread is the best to start out with, as it gives you Past, Present, and Future of the question in one reading. You might be well amazed at how accurrate the reading is. Afterwards, once you get the hang of it, go on to other more complicated spreads.

You mght find yourself coming back to this site, time and time again. Well, if you have to waste time on the Internet, this is as good a way as any, maybe better than most.


  1. neat! i'm chking it out right now. i have a Ryder-Waite deck.. but i still need to learn how to use it well.


    (i actually want to ask you sooooo many Qs on astrology and if you read charts and predict.. maybe i'll mail you someday if that's ok with you) .. ok goin over to the site now. tata

  2. Daniele-Are you sure you applied all the proper definitions? Each one can be interpreted in so many different ways, and remember-tarot is not exact, it's subjective, meaning you have to make it work, much like an asrology reading. Not saying it's false, it's beauty is in the way it connects with your subconscous.

  3. Sou-remember, it's not about predicting, or prophecy, in the sense of being able to tell what is exactly going to happen on some future date or the present. It's about seeing and grasping opportunity, and taking advantage of the potential that already exists.

    I doubt that I would have the time to go into a lot of detail or do readings or such.

    Just remember, it is not about "fate", or "destiny". It is about opportunity.

  4. Well, no wonder you didn't get a sensible answer. Tarot isn't auppossed to be able to answer that kind of question, because the future isn't definite. Nothing is written in stone until it actually happens.

    If you read the cards carefully, however, you might get some clues as to how you can go about living in such a way as to maximize the chances of your bay being healthy.

    But truthfully, you don't really need tarot for that. A pediatrician would be far more exact, and actually, more appropriate.

  5. yeah.. tht's good advice.. when i was younger i had this insatiable need to "know".. but now it's tapering off to letting things happen and making something happen if its not by constantly directing my thoughts towards it.

    but once in awhile i get really tempted to believe in the "magic" of really "knowing" :)
