Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey Confesses To Me-"I Am Not A Serious Candidate For President"!

If you can't take my word for it, just click on the post title, and the link there should take you to my last post concerning Jonathon's Presidential aspirations, and you can read for yourself in the comments section. No, it is not a direct quote, but it might as well be, as it suficiently paraphrases just how seriously he takes himself.

My response to each of his points now follows:

You might recall that I advised that Jonathon should hold a nationally publicized drawing to pick his running mate from among the mass of common everyday Americans, as oppossed to picking the typical, double dealing politician.

The following response was the first of his "CORRECTIONS".

1) At this time, my VP Candidates are; Christine Todd-Whitman (R-NJ), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Elizabeth Dole (R-NC). I want a woman as VP. I am not taking applications with or without a fee!


You will do what I tell you to do, or you will lose.

Christina Todd Whitman? Just another mediocre, barely functional bureaucrat who can't begin to relate to normal people, wihout advisors and a focus group to tell her what to say and do. Just because they get lucky a few times here and there is insignificant.

Hillary Clinton? A cold, calculating bitch whose first order of business will be to completely shred the constitution, starting with the Bill Of Rights. A woman without a soul.

Elizabeth Dole? Come on now. I can understand why you might like the idea of Bill Clinton hanging around the White House, but do you really want Bob Dole roaming around? Won't the White House be scary enough with you running it?

Not that it matters, as they will refuse your invitation to be your running mate. A well publicized campaign to hold a drawing from among all Americans will raise money, publicity, and prove you are a man of the people who has faith in America and Americans.

Again, do what I said, or you will lose.

Well, you will still lose, but at least if you listen to me there's a slim chance you might draw enough votes to qualify for federal matching funds. Didn't think of that, did ya?

Of course, this was just the first of his "CORRECTIONS". The rest are as follows:

2) Spree and I were wed on; 4 Nov 06. I decided to turn her, after she asked me to. We did have a very romantic Wedding night, if you must know.


You are the one who advertised your wedding night goings on in your YahooGroup, I just relayed the message, in an effort to prove that you are a man who practices family values after your own fashion and are a man with a heart, love, and passion towards his chosen bride. Americans appreciate that and can relate to a candidate such as this.

All I want to know is-did you do this at the appropriate time of the month? Surely a true vampire would not be weak in the face of a gusher of opportunity.

Jonathon then went into a rant about Bush, which I take great exception to. Not because I like Bush-I do not-but because in a letter to his group members, he initimated that he considered there was a "Bush spy" in the group. When I read this next "CORRECTION", then, I was somewhat beside myself wondering if he considers this treacherous person to be myself.

He says here:

3) Bush while Governor of Texas stated he didn't recognize Wicca nor Paganism as a protected religion. Him and his cronies would burn Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Vampyres and other Kins at the Stake if he could.

At least I will protect the Communities, and allow everyone to worship as they see fit!


No, Jonathon, I am not a spy for Bush, if that is what you are getting at. I am the real deal, a pagan, a Wiccan based Hellenic Pagan, to be exact. When you say, though, you will allow everyone to worship as they please, does that include Muslims? Going back on your campaign promises already, perhaps?

Then, as if the foregoing were not bad enough, Jonathon added insult to injury, and rubbed in a big batch of salt in the wound to boot, when he said:

4) I have an Attorney General already in mind for the position.


Well, I will have you know, MISTER Sharkey, I would have made the greatest Attorney General in the entire history of mankind. But now you've done it, bucko. I am no longer availiable. You've done gone and hurt my feelings.

Finally, Jonathon ended his uncalled for series of "CORRECTIONS" with the following advisory.

5) UNITY we better stand. Or if we're DIVIDED, we die!


Well, you had sure better be "UNITY" then when you and your "death dealers" make your trip to the Middle East to let all the leaders there know what's what, and what you have in store for them. I think you will have to count me out of that deal. I hate rigorous training to start out with, but if I were to engage in it, it would have to hold out the prospect of amounting to more than a suicide mission.

Like you, I get rather turned on at the sight of blood, under the proper circumstances, but the sight or even the thought of my own tends to make me rather squeamish.

I might however change my mind, I suppose. I'll let you know, probably after I walk alone in the middle of night to the most crime ridden black community in America in Ku Klux Klan regalia carrying a sign that says "Send All Niggers Back To Africa".

In other words, be sure and send some postcards.

He finally ended it with

Nel Sangue,

Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

And in so casually disregarding and disrespecting my well thought out, friendly advice, has doomed his candidacy for the highest office in the land to be nothing more than just another footnote in the history books.

And here I was looking forward to Samhain (Halloween) being an official legally declared Federal Holiday, along with all the Wiccan Sabbats. I held out hope that much as the President traditionally pardons the turkey for Thanksgiving, and presides over the lighting of the White House Christmas tree, he would also give the annual Halloween blessing of the spirits of the night, as the White House for that day and night is open to the public and transformed into the "National Haunted White House Of Horrors".

But Jonathon in his effort to prove he is just another politically correct politican, albeit one with an attitude, hasn't even touched on these important topics. He is too busy reaching out to the mainstream, dag nab it, even going so far as to admit that his candidate for Vice-President must pass a sexual litmus test. So there you have it. A vampyre that places affirmative action before all else. He wil go the route of all politicians, I am afraid, into the dust bin of history.

And the things that will doom his campaign are, ironically, a combination of two things-

The cross and sunlight.

As for me, I guess I'll find another candidate to throw my support behind, one who will appreciate my efforts and my talents.

Karl Rove and James Carville ain't got nothing on me.


  1. He is out of jail?

    I thought his wife had him jailed?

  2. Renegade-he was arressted for stalking her, and I think also for leaving the state (Indiana) to avoid prosecution. But he ws released and I believe the charges were eventually dropped. He claims it was all an effort to derail his campaign for governor of Minnessotta.

    What seems to have happenned is an Indiana policeman recognized him while he was conducting an interview on Fox on some other cable channel. This lead to his arrest on an outstanding warrant.

    Bear in mnd here I am working from memory of a few months back, so I don't know for sure how accurrate all this is. But I believe this is why he has vowed to impale the Indiana Speedway Police on the White House lawn "when" he is elected President.

  3. First off;

    I am extremely serious about becoming President. I hate the way this country is being run, as well as the fact innocent people are living in fear.

    WHEN I BECOME PRESIDENT, it will be the criminals and terrorists who live in fear. Not innocent Americans.

    However, if I do lose, I do have other offers. When I go to Romania this Spring, I'm going their to do more than just site see.

    It is the land of my ancestors. And they respect someone who is willing to use IMPALEMENT as a form to stop criminals and terrorists.

    As far as the "STALKING" charge, it was dismissed on; 29 Sept 03. Go to: to see the CERTIFIED COPY.

    She wasn't my ex-wife, Susan Ann Holtsclaw was my ex-fiancee.

    However, if you think she is a SAINT, click on the bottom of the page, and see what she did to not only me, but the Psychotherapist that was taken care of her. She attacked him, for trying to help her.

    My US Attorney General will be Jeff Neel, the attorney who made sure Susan didn't get away with screwing me.

    He has a law degree. Do you?

    I am not the poster child for sweetness. Evil begets EVIL. Hence, the evil people who terrorize this country will see a side of evil they never though exist. Especially when I IMPALE them.

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

  4. After future review of your posting: Miss Pagan Temple, I think I'll be IMPALING your racist ass as well.

    How dare you use the "N!" Your a GODDAMN CUNT!

    I hope if I don't become President, someone burns your BITCH ASS at a STAKE! Hell, maybe I'll supply the fire for it.

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler"

  5. Hey, Jonathon, let's get something straight right off the bat. And that is, this is my fucking blog, and I'll use whatever language I want to use on it. That includes but is not limited to the word "nigger", which I will have you know I used only to make a point of comparison to your plans to go to the Middle East and threaten Muslim leaders. The point being that my using such language in a black neighborhood dressed in Klan regalia would be no more dangerous-or no more foolish-than what you claim you will do.

    I have no intention of doing that, though. Do you? Really?

    Seeing as how you are determined to become President-a position for which I am every bit as sure you are qualified for as I am for Attorney General, by the way-your feelings concerning the First Amendment Rights of people who do not agree with you are absolutely stunningly crystal clear. If somebody says or does something you don't like, you will impale them, or encouraging their being burndt at the stake.

    Who did you learn leadership from, George W. Bush?

    As for the woman in question, my question is, where did you get the impression that I was defending her? I absolutely have no opinion on the subject, somebody else brought that up and I just relayed my knowledge of the subject, while even admitting that I wasn't sure of the accurracy of the reports. I never judged you on that matter, or implied that she was a "Saint".

    Finally, I am not a "CUNT", I am a man, the Goddess on my Profile page must have confused you. You see, I honor and rspect the divine feminine, in reality, not just with words or publicity stunts.

  6. Listen up BITCH! 1st off, I haven't spoken to anyone except a female from MySpace. So, either your lying, or you're lying about your sex.

    2nd, NEVER EVER, mention that I am anything like that COMMUNIST BITCH BUSH! I can't wait to TORTURE and IMPALE him. He is the worse President this Country has ever been cursed with.

    3rd, as far as my VP choice, I feel to correct the National Debt, a woman needs to be put in charge of fixing it. Woman are naturally financial smart. In over 90% of American households, it is a woman who hands the money budgeting.

    4th, anyone who could use the "N" word, has no right being in a position that is suppose to stop racial attacks. Not encourage them.

    5th, this may be your blog, but when you talk trash about me, especially my sincerity to help Americans, you'll quickly find my "fangs" are real, and I will defend myself.

    I am extremely serious about becoming PRESIDENT.

    Victory is the birth right of the VAMPYRE. And quoting Joe Namath; "I guarantee it" as far as my victory for President in 2008!

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

  7. 1. What the hell does some woman on MySpace have to do with anything? I was talking about my Profile picture on my blog, which as it is of a goddess I took it that is why you assummed I was a woman. I am not.

    2. I am not a Bush fan myself. On the other hand, you are constantly going on about how you are going to torture and impale people.

    Let's see now, going by that, of the following three people,if two of them are the most like each other, then which one of the three does not belong in the group:

    Goerge W. Bush
    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

    Hmmm, what do you know? I guess that would be me that doesn't fit in the group, wouldn't it now?

    3.It will take Congress as a whole to pass laws to eliminate, over time, the national debt. One person, man or woman,is not going to do it over a period of four to eight years. Especially a Vice President.

    It will take Congress working in conjunction with the executive branch, in passing laws that will pass constituional muster, and therefore have the support of the judiciary.

    It will be a long, hard slog, and will take the country pulling together-men and women-citizens and officials.

    4. Again, I was just making a point. I am not a racist. But while we're on the subject, how is it that you are qualified to be President, and therefore see to the equal rights of women, yet you use such derogatory terms as "BITCH" and "CUNT".

    Can you spell "HYPOCRIT"?

    5. Though this is my blog, I welcome all comments, whether they be agreements or disagreements. But I will not be lectured on what to say on it or how to say it by you or anyone else. Plus, I do not take kindly to your fucking death threats.

    If you really are "extremely serious" about running for president, as you claim, then you had damn well better understand that you are running for fucking President.

    Not for motherfucking dictator or censor-in-chief of the goddamned thought police.

  8. Let's get one thing straight. I never spoke to you, nor would I ever say such BS that I am not taking my run seriously.

    I am the ultimate competitor. I hate to lose. Second really sucks. In January, I was wrongly arrested, jailed and forced out of the race for Governor.

    Now, I want to win the Presidency, more than anything!

    So, if we talked, it was in your dreams!

    You're a RACIST! Anyone who continually uses the "N" word, has no caring for those that word offends.

    I challenge you, and everyone to post on my Blog; Jonathon The Impaler Sharkey for President 2008.

    United Americans will survive. Divided criminals and terrorists prosper.

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

  9. No, we "talked" when you responded to my last post about you in the comments, just like you are "talking" to me now.

    Every word that you have typed in my comments practically screams, "I am not a serious candidate for President".

    And you say second "really sucks". Huh! So tell me, how is dead last going to taste? Be sure and let me know when it happens. Surely you can find the time while you are packing for that alleged job offer in Romania.

    Again, I used the word "nigger" to make a point. I would never call anybody that word.

    However, since you insist on calling me a racist for writing the word "nigger" instead of resorting to the childish, infantile method of referring to "the N word", then I will respond that you are a sexist for writing the vile word "CUNT".

    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey-Sexist vampyre with white guilt hang-ups. Who would'a thunk it?

  10. I am not a sexist Vampyre. I am a sexxy VAMPYRE!!!

    After all, Victory is the birth right of the Vampyre, so to all those who read this, just start addressing me as;
    President Jonathon "The Impaler."

    If you're going to use the "N" word, then I will call you the "C" word. Besides calling you a BITCH!

    See in Jersey, if someone calls you a BITCH, you either beat their ass, or you lay down and take it, like the BITCH you are!

    Believe me, I'll call anyone a BITCH. Especially a BITCH like you, who is spreading BS about my sincerity to become President in 2008.

    As it is posted on my Camapaign Page; (to me) bin Laden and his followers are BITCHES just like their (false) prophet Muhammed.

    Now if anyone has a problem with what I just said, name the time and place BITCH, and I will beat you into the street.

    I fear no man on this planet. Terrorists and criminals better start fearing me. Unlike the Presidents since Reagan, I mean what I say, and will vanquish them! After I torture and IMPALE them!!!

    Next response, PLEASE!!!!!!

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler"

  11. You wish...

    With the fact I am now forming and have soldiers for the 1st Vampyres, Witches and Pagans (VWP)Militia Regiment in Jersey, I will show America, unlike the last couple of Presidents, I know how to be Commander-in-Cheif.

    When I go to Iraq, Iran, Mecca, Jerusalem... I will not wear a vest or steel pot. I will show the world I fear no one, or nothing!

    I am a Vampyre Warrior, who is for all the American People. Not just the rich. Though I will place the needs of the rich at the bottom of my list. While placing the needs of the middle and lower class above them.

    Like Rocky Balboa, I am never going to stop fighting!

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

  12. I don't wish anything, beee-atch! I know!

    Originally, I was wanting to help you get enough votes to qualify for federal matching funds.

    I see now you don't need a fucking advisor-you need a fucking keeper.

    No person who is a non-Muslim is allowed to set foot in Mecca. The minute you did so, you would be summarilly executed, along with anybody else fucking foolish enough to accompany you.

    If it was discovered the US State Department allowed you to go there, or had knowledge of such plans and took no steps to prevent you from doing so, it would set off an international incident across the world that would make the recent cartoon riots look like a picnic in the park.

    It's stupid remarks like this crap that cause me to not take you seriously.

  13. If anyone in Mecca wants to try and execute me, they will see Ali a lot sooner than they had hoped to.

    Muslims and Islams are wimps. Especially compared to any American.

    We play by rules of civil behavior. They act upon rules of survival and domination. As long as America plays by the BS rules we have, terrorist assholes will always prosper.

    Vlad The Impaler sent a clear message back in his day to the Muslim Turks. If you attack my country and people, I will IMPALE you, and eliminate your people along country.

    If you had wanted to help me, I say thank you. However, posting I am not serious about running for President, straight up pissed me off!

    Unlike Bush or anyone else running for President, I will protect Pagans, Wiccans and those of the Craft with my life, if need be.

    I am not as sweet and passive as Wiccans, nor Pagans. However, I will ensure their and your rights are protected.

    I will get into Mecca, and they will realize I am not like previous Presidents.

    Nel Sangue,

    Jonathon "The Impaler" Sharkey

  14. Yes, i wanted to help you make a decent showing, but you got all pissed and sensitive because I write tonque in cheek. I have to on this matter, becasue you won't listen to good advice, therefore if I wrote in a serious manner, I wouldn't be taken seriously.

    What kind of people do you think live in Mecca? Don't you know that they have a highly trained military, an American trained force that uses American weapons? It is a small army, but a well trained one.

    The people that run Mecca and Saudi Arabia are not a handful of backward camel jockeys living in tents. They are highly trained and efficient military and intelligence personnel.

    You and your vampyre army would end up the rest of your lives in a Saudi prison. I don't think you would feel too fucking heroic after a few years there.

    That's provided,of course, you weren't handed over to the mob, whom they then allowed to tear you limb from limb. Or, if word got out as to some of your public utterrances, they might instead decide to give you a taste of your own medicine.

    I am not some fluffy bunny Wiccan. If you read very much of my blog, you would know that I support war when there is no other realistic option, and believe when it is necessary that it should be conducted all out, no namby pamby restraint to try to avoid killing civilians. I think in the long run that causes more loss of life and property, and more expense, therefore causes more problems than it solves. War is war, and if you are going to fight it, you should go all out.

    But you have to be realistic. And you are not being realistic, theefore it is hard to take you seriously.

    The way you have been talking and acting, Allen Schlessinger had a better chance of being elected Senator of Connecticutt this year than you have of being elected President of the United States in 2008. Word.

  15. Hey, check out this interview with the Impaler. LOL!
