Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Teenage Sexual Fantasy

Johnny had been wanting to get in Mary's pants for as long as he could remember. He remembered the first time he had a real hard on, was in a dream. He saw Mary in that dream, and she seemed so real, her long, sexy, tanned, silky smooth legs, perfecly formed, her flat, brown stomach and abdomen, her luscously proportioned hips and waist, and her breasts. Just the right size. And that ass. God, that ass.

Mary's hair was a long, thick, wavy, sultry blonde, and her face was perfectly formed, with full, inviting lips, and bright, deep blue eyes. She was a goddess, the epitome of perfection, and the minute he saw her, he experienced a raging hard-on that was like nothing he had ever experienced, and as he stood there before her, both of them naked, he felt oddly aware and yet not the slightest bit ill at ease.

She reached out for him, with longing in her eyes. She reached out for his painfully hard and throbbing cock, and took it in her hands. And he cum then, all over himself, and woke up dripping in sweat.

He was fourteen and had had sex only once, a tryst arranged by his older brother Jim and his friends on the basketball squad, with a neighborhood slut who it was said could be had by all. They fucked her one night on the back of brother Jimmy's car. Johnny had been last. It was a scary, awkward experience. But he had done it, climbed on her nervously, and after a brief moment of embarrassing difficulty had entered her. Within twenty seconds he had cum.

He had lied about enjoying the experience, it was strangely dissapointing. But he was a man now. He was now one of the guys.

In time, however, he had wanted more. And in particular he wanted Mary.

Mary was different. She was experienced. She had had five different boyfriends, had been fucked by them all, but she was not easy. Still, she had been screwed, but only when she was ready. She was an immensely popular girl, and could have her pick of guys.

So when Johnny stammerred out an attempted conversation with her, he expected to get shot down. But she surprised him. Johnny was not a jock like his brother. He was a straight A student, and yet still found time for sports as well, and other activites. Small wonder, then, in retrospect, that Mary asked for his help with her homework.

"Hell yes" he responded. "I mean, I'm always eager to help people with their school work."

"Johnny, I know you like me," she said. "I like you too. You're good looking, you're smart, you're funny. You're just the kind of guy a girl really likes. I need more than just a jock, that gets old. Besides, I bet you got a lot to offer a girl-if you know what I'm getting at."

No one was watching when Mary reached down and put her hand on Johnny's dick and began slowly, sensously massaging it. But it was too much for Johnny. He didn't know for sure how to react, so he looked around, and though he later felt like a complete fucking moron, he backed away.

She just smiled and said, "we'll get together on that later." She walked away as Johnnys' heart felt as though it would beat out of his chest.

He had a talk with Jimmy that night, though he didn't mean to tell him anything. Still, Jimmy seemed to know everything.

"Yeah, I know you like her, hell, who don't know it?", he had advised him. "Shit, goofball, go for it. She likes you too."

"She-she does"?, Johnny asked, hopeful and yet far from convinced.

"Johnny, she has asked me about you twice," he said. "What in the hell did you think that was all about with Martha the other night, me and you and the guys, on the car? She was wondering if you might be gay and-"

"Well, by God I'm not", Johnny responded indignantly.

"I know that", Jimmy said. "You're just shy and unsure of yourself. I went through the same thing. Just take it slow, get to know her, and everything will be fine."

"But why does she like me?", Johnny asked. "Shit, what am I? I'm not that good in sports like you are, I don't have any talent, I can't sing, I can't-"

"Johnny, none of that is important", Jimmy said. "You've got a lot of great qualities. And, by the way, in case it's never occurred to you, you've got probably the biggest fucking dick in the whole goddamned school you little fuckhead. It's bigger than mine, so fuck what the hell are you worried about?"

"Yeah, I know, I was starting to think there was something wrong with me."

Jimmy gave him this strange look, and said, "you know, for somebody that is so smart you sure are a fucking idiot. Come on, mom has probably got supper ready."

Supper consisted of hamburgers and homemade french fries with cole slaw and coke, and though usually Johny wolfed his food down like a wild animal, tonight he was strangely not hungry.

"You're not on drugs, are you boy?", his father asked, whereupon Johnny looked away, assumming he was talking to Jimmy. "Goddammit boy I'm talking ot you."

"Me?", Jimmy asked. "No, I don't have any use for that stuff, dad."

Dad was of course drunk as usual, as he typically was by supper time after getting off work for the city water company. But he was a quiet drunk, most of the time, like he was hiding a thousand different secrets and trying to keep them from getting mixed up in his head all in one big mess.

There were rumours that he was having an affair, and word was getting around. Johnny almost gotten into a fight with some kids in school who made some kind of insinuation about it, and came close to being suspended. But for the most part Martin, Johnny and Jimmy's father, kept that part of his life seperate, like just about everything else really, and had nothing much to say. But tonight, he was curious, inquisitive, and kept his eyes peeled on Johnny.

"He's in love", Jimmy volunteered.

"Oh, is that all?", Martin asked. "Well, shit boy, get you some pussy and stop worrying about it. You'll find out soon enough what that fucking love shit will get you."

"Yeah," Johnny's mom responded sarcastically. " Like maybe the clap. Or maybe a couple of other problems you could do without."

Without another word she walked out and Martin said, "in other words, wear a rubber."

That night, Johnny dreamed. It was his first fully erect, raging hard on. Usually,when he felt them coming on, he stopped them as it made him feel uncomfortable. Even the night on the car with Martha, though he had managed to make it inside of her, he was only partially erect. But this was agony. Yet, it was ecstasy.

Over the next few days, Johnny and Mary got to know each other, and before long they were making out, stealing feels, and wanting each other as much or more than he had ever thought it possible two people could ever want each other.

Then, one evening, as Johnny was walking Mary home, from the cinemas, they went past the wooded area they always walked by.

"Let's go up there", Johnny blurted out, almost desptie himself.

Mary nodded in what seemed like a desperately relieved agreement, and they quicly strode up the embankment. They walked, for what seemed like miles, desperate to find a place where they could feel they were secure, and totlally alone.

They made it to a clearing, and Mary collapsed. She was breathing heavily, as she began to slide out of her jeans. Johnny was on top of her and they were all over each other, breathing and panting heavily, kissing and tonqueing each other, as Mary undid his pants, then slid them down then impatiently pulled down his briefs. She gasped when she saw the size of his erect, gigantic, throbbing cock.

"Please fuck me, Johnny", she amost screamed.

But in the back of Johnny's mind, he could hear the voice of his mother.

"Yeah, like maybe the clap. Or maybe a couple of other problems you could do without".

His father.

"In other words, wear a rubber"

"Mary, are you on the pill?", he asked.

"Yes", Mary said. "Come on, baby, I need it now."

But Johnny was still anxous. He was still scared. He was, in fact, terrified. But he wanted her, so bad. Soon, the blood rushed to his head, and he practically jumped on top of her, but before he could enter her, a gunshot rang out. It was loud, and it was close.

They both stopped, and hurriedly put their clothes back on. Johnny peered around the corner, and saw old man Dooley and his sons, drunk as a skunk and laughing and still drinking what looked to be a fifth of some kind of liquor they passed amongst them

Everybody was aware of the Dooleys penchant for hunting and drinking, but everybody gave them a wide berth. Johnny was determined to do the same. He didn't want to think of what the consequenes might be if they caught them out here. Especially what they might do to Mary. The thought horrified him and filled him with revulsion.

"Mary, we've got to get out of here", he said.

Mary was still breathless, and afraid, but frustrated and angry at the same time. Still, they slowly, quietly, yet quickly began to make their way back to the main road. It seemed to take forever, but they eventually made it.

Now, Mary was crying.

"Johnny, I have a confession to make", she said. "I was lying. I'm not on the pill. Mom's doctor warned her that if I took it long enough it could cause problems, maybe even ovarian cancer. Plus, I'm allergic to latex. I found that out when I first started dating."

"Mary, what's wrong?", Johnny said. She was crying, and obviously there was something she wasn't telling. "

"That's why I never stay with anybody for long", she said. "Nobody wants to stay with a girl that can't take any steps to protect herself. Oh sure, they don't mind taking that first chance, but pretty soon after they get what they want they figure why the hell should they take the chance when there's plenty of other girls that will put out that don't mind taking the pill."

Suddenly, the answer hit Johnny immediately. It was as clear as a bell to him.

"I'll never break up with you", he said. "I love you. You know that, don't you?"

"Oh, Johnny", she said. "I love you too."

"I have an idea", he said. "There's this new pill. It's called 'Plan B'. You take it the morning after you have sex. Actually, it's effective for up to seventy two hours after sex, but it's best to take it right away. It's said to be even more effective than regular birth control pills, and you only have to take it only after every time you have sex. The best thing is, you don't need a doctors precription. You can get it over the counter at any drug store, just like aspirin."

"Johnny lets get it then, damn I want some of that dick baby, I need to be fucked so bad it's going to make me crazy if you don't do it to me."

And so they made their way past the cinemas and on to the drug store. Johnny still had a hard on and he walked with great difficulty, and Mary had the most intense, hungry look in her eyes and in her raspy voice he had yet seen or heard.

They hurried into the unusually crowded drug store past the crowds of well dressed people, barely noticing them in fact. They had only one thing on their mind, and Mary spoke up loudly and aggressively to the man who stood with their back to them at the drug store counter.

"We want to buy that morning after pill, please", she said in desperation, and yet with steely determination.

"Well, young lady, one of you are going to have to have the proper ID first. Are you eighteen?", the strange man asked, and as he turned around to face them, Mary and Johnny got the shock of her life. It was Johnny who stammerred in amazement-


"That's right, son", the President said. "Evidently you weren't aware of my scheduled appearrance here in your lovely town, and I'm here now to explain my Administrations policy regarding the very morning after pill you are looking for. And I'm guessing by looking at the two of you that you're not eighteen, either one of you. Would I be correct?"

"Yeah, we're both fourteen,Mister President," Johnny admitted.

"You mean", Mary said, "you can't buy the pill unless you're eighteen?"

"That's right, little lady", the President affirmed. "And you know why that is? Because I feel it would be morally wrong to allow young people such as yourself to purchase this pill. It would only encourage you to engage in a seuxally active lifestyle way before you are emotionally mature enough to do so.

"Why, the minute two young kids were to go in and buy a morning after pill, do you know what the first thing is they would do? They would have sex, that's what? Therefore, by my establishing the sane and moral policy that I have established, instead of having sex, and risking pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, you will more than likely decide instead to engage in a course of sexual abstinence, until such time as you can be married, and are emotionally mature enough to take responsibility. Then, you'll raise a family, and live a happy fulfilling life, instead of falling into a lifetime of hopelessness and despair."

Bush smirked and chuckled and shook his shoulders as suddenly cameras flashed and the gathering crowd applauded and, suddenly, reporters started asking questions.

But Johnny didn't hear their questions to the President. Neither did Mary.

They both walked out of the drug store, slowly. It was like a veil had suddenly been lifted.

Mary was no longer near insane with desire. Her breathing, like Johnny's, was back to normal. They were happy, relaxed, composed. At peace with themselves.

Johnny's penis was now completely flaccid.

"What a great man", Mary said. "I'll be glad when I am old enough to vote so I can go to the polls and help re-elect him."

"I don't think he is allowed to run anymore, Mary", Johnny explained. "He's in his second term. A President is only allowed two terms."

"Well, that's not right", Mary said in dissapointment. "They should make an excpetion for someone so smart, and wise, and caring."

They walked on down the road. Mary found herself experiencing the odd urge to go home and jump rope. Johnny wanted to go fishing, for the first time in a long time.

"So, what do you want to do", Johnny asked her. "Have you got any plans for tomorrow?"

"Oh, I don't know", Mary said. "We could study. Maybe Sunday we can go to church if you like."

"Hey, that's an idea", Johnny said. "We could go to your house and read the Bible together."

"That sounds great", Mary said enthusiastically. "What book of the Bible would you like to read first?"

"Lets just start at the beginning and see how long it takes us to read it all the way through."

"Well, okay, but you'll have to go home at a decent hour tonight. Before dark."

"Of course".


  1. Funny stuff- I liked the line about fishing.

  2. Hilarious!!! Autogato sure does inspire good posts :)

    but seriously.. do u anonymously write for an adult stories' websites? :D

  3. maaaaaaaaaaaaan this was funny
    i loved the way it ended ;)

    ahem, wvc: cuxubx

  4. I'm glad I could serve as at least a partial inspiration for this post. :)

  5. Rufus-glad you liked it. The fishing bit actually came with some difficulty. I couldn't think of anything for Johnny that was as remotely ridiculous as Mary's sudden desire to jump rope, so I settled for fishing.

    Sou-No, the only thing I've ever written for was Witchvox, under the name DancingCrow3. But never anything anonymously. I did write something for this singles club but that wasn't a serious effort, that was just a complete gross-out exercise. I don't even remember the name of the site, but I wrote it under the name Big Dick Hardigan. It was a different version of the menopause loving vampire bit I published on this blog a while back.

    PartyGirl Jessica- Is that you up there? Either I'll never learn, or I'm getting addicted to the taste of computer screens. But no, I've never written for that site, nor have I heard of it.

    Trauma Queen-What's really funny is that, if you take the conservatives at their word, this is what they actually think would be the long term result.

    Autogato-Yes, you were partially responsible. I had been having trouble deciding what I actually wanted to post about. This subject was one of several possibilities. But, after I went to your site where you had a post on this, and I commented on it, it became clear as a bell. Why not make a short story about precisely this? So, my sincere appreciation and gratitude to you.

    By the way, I'm curious about something. Did you guys catch on to what I was up to? If so, when did you start to get suspicous? Or did it throw you for a loop?

    Anyway, thanks all of you for your comments, and your gracous compliments. As the actor John Karlin said once in a different context, that kind of stuff is like a loaf of bread to a working man.

  6. well.. when you first mention that Johnny is 14, I kinda thought 'ooh he's writing about plan-b' but then with all the *ahem* graphic descriptions I stopped thinking :|

  7. HaHaHaHa...Yeah, that was my intention. I was hoping that the seemingly hard core direction it was going in would just drag the reader along and suck 'em in. Everything and every person in the story had a purpose, really.

    I'm thinking some people might have felt a real let down. Talk about a buzz kill. Here you are going to a drugstore to get some protection so you can have safe sex and who do you run into behind the counter? George W. Bush.

  8. That was clever. It's like a Republican's fantasy land. But you know what, I think that they think it will happen. But as my friend SaraS-P puts it, "Teens are having sex. And you will not stop them by witholding contraception. With puberty comes sexual urges. People seriously need to accept that and approach these issues realistically. Before contraception, there was this little method known as 'shotgun wedding at age 15.' Plan B sounds better to me."

    Actually, for a while I didn't know you were writing about plan B. It wasn't until you got to the part about her not being on the pill. I just thought you had a penchant for porn.

  9. I do have a penchant for porn. It can come in, uh, "handy" sometimes.

  10. hmmm
    if johnny did not go fishing
    perhaps he played nintendo?
    but i guess that's not 'conservative' enough

  11. hahahaaaa. That was priceless! I've been trying to get time to read this post and now you've made my mornng by causing me to snort coffee out of my nose. Good on you.

  12. Glad you liked the story, but be careful with food and especially liquids around your computer. Spill it on your keyboard you'll ruin your whole system.

  13. Brilliantly done, though I must admit your talents are sourly missed on ASSTR.

  14. lol...I was specting more for rants, not compliments.
    but my curiosity is where in the name of Gods you find the girl in the top of your blog?

  15. Beto-

    It's just a picture I lifted from the Ahn Jahn site, which is in the sidebar under "Graven Images". I don't know if the picture is still there or not. So, sad to say, she is nobody that I know personally, unfortunately.

  16. badgirlangela12:19 PM

    It was real funny to say the least. Nice way you lead the reader into your trap. I was hoping something xxxxx would happen. But alas. One goes to jump rope and the other goes fishing. Nice one though. Love to read some more such stuff from you.
