Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Public Access For Now

UPDATE: The crisis has passed. Yep, it was just the modem, and is fixed now. My nerves are still frayed, I think maybe I'm sufferring from some weird kind of post traumatic stress symdrome. But this too shall pass.

In the meantime I guess I should offer thanks to the appropriate deity. Hephaestos, I guess, god of craftsmen. Or I guess I should mainly thank the fine folks at Design And Service for fixing the problem in just under a days time, desite the fact that I was only one of many with the same problem due to the same storm, resulting in lightning through the phone line wreaking havoc on mine and others modems.

Almost like Zeus throwing a tantrum. Yeah, I know, I'm rambling. But I know, it could have been a lot worse. I'm just not one of those kind of people that can think of how it good it feels to get your finger out of a door that's been shut on it. I'm more the kind of person who has to calm his nerves by concentrating aimlessly on inconsequential details and irrelevant, non-related events. Then, I have to sleep two or three hours. Then, I have to put it behind me. And I will.

But I'm still rambling, ain't I?

I'm posting this from my neighborhood library. Two nights ago, lightning came through my phone line and evidently knocked out my modem. The good news seems to be, for now, everything else is working fine. But until I do get it fixed, you won't be hearing from me as much. If it is more than just the modem you might not be hearing much from me for quite some time to come. Hopefully, it will be fixed in the next day or two, at which point things will be hopefully back to normal. Except that I will never again leave my phone line in the wall when I am gone, and from now on when a storm starts the computer is being turned off as well as the line coming out of the wall jack.

On the off chance it is more than the modem, I might be posting from my local library for some time to come, which means maybe once a week, twice at the most. I tell you this just as a way of letting you know if I dont answer your comments right away, this is the reason for it.

In the meantime, I have added a new link, "The Tao Of Masonry" look it up in the links section beginning with "Tao". I have also deleted a link, which has evidently decided to no longer be a blog and has changed instead to an adult porn advertisement site. I don't know what's up with that, but as it is no longer a blog I removed it. I won't mention the former name of the blog.

Finally, you will not see me but very seldom on your blogs while this situation remains current as unfortunately time will not permit it. But hopefully things will be back to normal sooner rather than later.

Wish me luck.

P.S.-I did an update on Flight 5191 on the original post if any are interested, just two or three posts down from here.


  1. Wireless is finally coming to Minneapolis.

  2. Minneapolis? I would have thought that was a progressive enough city it would have been among the first to have wireless. I'm not sure but I think we can even get wireless here in Kentucky.

  3. Welcome back, PT. Not that it slowed you down very much ;-)

    The Tao of Masonry

  4. Thanks, Tom. It turned out to not be as big a deal as I thought, but it was sure nerve wracking. Taught me a lesson too, about leaving my phone line plugged in. From now on, when I'm not on-line the computer goes off, then the line comes out of the wall jack.
