Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mushariff Cracks Down On Madrassas

It's about goddamned time. Thanks to the discovery that three of the four bombers involved in the recent London attacks were of Pakistani descent, and had made recent trips to Pakistan, I guess Mushariff has finally gotten the message. These Madrassas are a big problem, to say the least. These are the places where young children are taught hatred toward western civilization, and especially America, as a part of their Islamic education. And from all indications, it is an education of the most perversely virulent and violent kind. Where jihad in the form of assault on civilians, even innocent children, is not only justified, it is encouraged. It is the worse kind of brainwashing cult imaginable. It has been funded for the msot part with money from wealthy Saudis, including members of the Saudi royal family, and according to some reports, from the Saudi government itself. This has been explained as a means of gaining acceptance for the Saudi Royals with the fundamentalist Islamic Whahabi Sect. A way of buying time through a process not unlike that of keeping a tight lid on a boiling stew, which threaens to blow up more and more with every passing day.

In the meantime, the Wahabi instructors of these Madrassas continue to spew their venomous philosophies to the young and the impressionable, the immature young Arab and Muslim child, who are taught hatred and prejudice with the same intensity and passion they are taught reading and writing and mathmatics, only probably more so. And where are the most of these madrassas located? Of course, Pakistan is not the only place, but it seems to be one of the major centers of the practice, in fact the most important center.

Now, finally, after years of diplomacy and complaints from the U.S. State Department, which has done little if any good, Mushariff has finally cracked down, in the aftermath of the London bombings. 100 suspected extremists have been arrested. Of course, Mushariff will be the object of criticism in his own country for this, but his life is in danger everyday anyway, due to what little he has done on our behalf, which up till now has been vital, and appreciated, but still nowhere nearly enough. Will this continue, or is this only a temporary reaction? Time will tell, but I sincerely hope that he is serious, and that he cracks down on Madrassas everywhere in hs country, to the extent that he executes every teacher guilty of teaching this virulent strain of Islam. After all, these people only want to teach young children to be suicide bombers and murderers. They aren't so willing, I would wager, to put their own lives on the line, at least not for the most part. And if they are, they should certainly be obliged. At least there would soon be nobody to teach this evil scourge of a perverted religion.

As far as Mushariff's own dictatorial tendencies, of which he has been the object of criticism, not only in Pakistan, but in Western countries, I have learned the hard way, don't look a gift goat in the mouth. Some people, I am afraid, simply do not deserve democracy, or freedom. That is just a cold, hard fact. If they did appreciate democracy, or the prospect of freedom, they certainly wouldn't hand power over to groups of people that would lead them straight down the proverbial primrose path to destruction. And they certainly would not approve of their children being sent to madrassas, where they are taught, more than anything, the hatred they are taught and brainwashed with there everyday

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Hear, hear. My bloodthirsty side agrees with you wholeheartedly.
