Saturday, July 09, 2005

Caligula And George W. Bush

Is George W. Bush sufferring from the same mental/emotional malady that best the Roman Emperor Caligula (37-40 A.D.)? There is very good reason to think so. Caligula thought he was a god. He believed this quite literally, and fervently, from all accounts. Unlike his predecessors, who adopted a kind of benign, exalted godhood out of a need to establish a social structure that was consistent and orderly, he took it quite seriously. Bush is similar in this regard. American Presidents have always believed they had a special status, as guardians of a divinely ordained institution. Bush, on the other hand, seems to go well beyond this. If I didn't know better, I would think the man believes he is the messiah, to all intents and purposes The Second Coming Of Christ. And, this would fit in well with the conservative Christian view of the present age as an end to "The Millenium", with all it's myriad supposed signs of the encroaching apocalypse. After all, Bush has made claims as to his special relationship with his supposed "Creator". The implications are obvious, and frightening.

There are other similarities. Caligula, as well as Bush, wrecked the treasury of his nation, which had previously been on not only sound financial footing, but was a repository of up until then unheard of wealth. Caligula, like Bush today, went through the treasury like it was Kool-Aid, and soon the country was bankrupt.

But what really got me interested in this possibility, and caused me to take notice of it, quite by accident, was astrology. I had long been intrigued by the possibilities inherent in the prospect of astrological planetary returns. For example, Neptune is now at roughly the 14th degree of the sign of Aquarius. It takes Neptune roughly 163 and 3/4 years to make a complete orbit around the sun, therefore that amount of time to make a complete run throughout the zodiac. Thus, one return. What do you see then if you multiply that times twelve? Twelve, of course, being a significant number astrologically in that there are twelve signs of the Zodiac. You run it back from there and, sure enough, the twelth time going back that Neptune was at the 14th degree, or thereabouts, of Aquarius, was during the year 40 A.D.-the year Caligula was assassinated.

One needs now to bear in mind that Neptune is the planet of illusion and delusion, of deception and mystery. What it's presence in the sign of Aquarius brings to bear is not to me immediately clear, as I am not, I am sorry to say, that great an astrologer insofar as comprehensive depth of knowledge goes. On the other hand, I did discover these aspects and similarities between Bush and Caligula, so go figure.

Another thing I noticed, quite by accident, is that in 40 A.D. the planet Pluto was at, roughly, the 26th degree of Saggittarius-about where it is at this present time. So we have a double whammy, a double matching aspect pertaining to the two men. What does it mean? I wish I knew. Does it mean Bush will be assassinated. Maybe not. It could augur, however, that he will come to an ignonimous end, though this might not necessarily entail a physical death. It could simply mean a political downfall, one from which he will never recover. And one which, more likely than not, he will have brought on himself.

I will be watching, and paying close attention, that is for sure.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Hello, I'm a regular reader of your blog. I'm not usually a "commenting" person, but you have me curious. Would you mind talking about what sort of religious belief system, if any, you were raised with? Were you raised by a christian family, as so many pagans were, and then found your own path later?
    I wonder sometimes if you're *serious* when I read your posts, or if you are just being sarcastic and irreverent for fun. Which isn't a bad thing at all :) Just wondering, and feel free to ignore me if you would like.

  2. Wow! A regular reader? You're the one, huh? No, really, great to hear from you. To answer your question, I didn't have a hard core religous upbringing, though I attended church from time to time, usually Baptist, but also Catholic, and others. I also experimented with Hinduism briefly, but I always gravitated back to Paganism, it just always seemed more right to me. What about you? What path are you, I mean, if you don't mind my asking?

    Also, I am serious, but I like to have fun too. Like the Blog description implies, it's about a little bit of everything, so I try to toss some irreverence in from time to time, when the mood hits. I guess sometimes though it's hard to tell the difference.

    By the way, I would never ignore a reader. Feel free to comment anytime, however you feel inclined to reply, even if it is to post a bitch or a disagreement. I'm a fervent believer in freedom of speech, even if it doesn't necessarilly flatter me, so to speak. But I will never ignore you. I may not always get back to you right away, but I will eventually.

    Anyway, welcome aboard. It's good to meet you.

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Hi Patrick,
    My path...hmm... there is a very good question. I guess i'm sort of a christian witch. No, don't laugh. I realize that might sound impossible, but we exist. Just in very small numbers, keeping our heads down from both sides of the religious fence, well aware of what nice targets we make. heheheh. I'm definitely an eclectic!

    I really enjoy your posts, even when I don't agree 100%, and you've even made me stop and think once or twice which is an impressive feat, I promise. I admire your passion even when I don't understand the implications of everything you're being passionate about. I'm not stupid, I just don't grasp the finer points of politics.

    Since you've invited me to, I will comment, thanks.

  4. Anonymous8:32 PM

    .... and I might as well say I wish you'd go into more detail when you do a random reading. I don't know enough about tarot to understand what it all means, although I'm an absolute "believer". I'd like to know more.So if you ever have the time to explain the significance of the individual cards and their relationships, I'd love to hear it. I realize that might take up too much time, but if you have it, I'm interested!

  5. A Christian Witch? Interesting. You will see posts from time to time from me on this very subject, as pertaining to the pagan origens of Chrisitanity, and my theories concerning them. Christo-Paganism is certainly cntroversial, but I welcome you. In fact, I would welcome any reader, including traditional Christians.

    As for the Tarot question, I am afraid time does not permit me to go into great detail as to the meaning of each individual card. In fact, I have all but decided to eschew this feature, not for that reason, but it seems harder than it might appear to get a good handle on them. I might still do readings from time to time, however they will be on specific subjects, not random ones.

    I would suggest that you look into purchasing a Tarot deck, perhaps the Ryder-Waithe deck. This is the most common one. I use it and also the Mythic Tarot. It is really not that difficult once you study it and learn just what it is about. Well, talk to you later.
