Saturday, July 16, 2005

Thorougbred Busting And Crack Cocaine

Just recently ran into an old acquaintance I hadn't seen in years, so I sat down and talked for a few minutesd, just catching up on the latest goings on. Now this guy I'll be the first to admit, and so probably would he,used to be a real pain in the ass when we went to school together. I mean, this guy loved to fight, and he wouldn't have it any other way but me and him were going to trade blows. The funny thing was, it wasn't out of any kind of malice on is part, the guy just loved to fight. I fought with him, once, just to shut him up, and besides he was really pissing me off, but the local cop broke us up, right in the middle ofthe school Halloween carnival. It wasn't really a fair fight anyway, he was a fighter, I was not, I ws wearing a big bulky band uniform that I could barely move around in, he was dressed in jeans and light shirt, and he hit hard and fast while I just flailed around. But I was so pissed that when he hit me in the face, I could barely feel it, and the next day he laughed when he showe dme how he bruised his knuckles on my band uniform buttons. After that, we got along more or less okay. We became quite friendly actually.

Today, as I talked to him, he told me how at one pioint he had worked in Georgetown Kentucky breaking thoroughbred horses. He talked about how before thye would do this him and his partner did cocaine, as he put it, "we rocked it up wght there". According to him this made it easier. He also told me the persn he worked for was a Venezualan who practically owned the town of Caracas, before the recent revolution, in which he had lost his life. His wife and children had barely managed to escape with their lives, he was glad now that he had turned the guy down on is offer to go to Caracas to work for him. Which I could easily imagine. He said that "those sand niggers all bowed down when he came by". I could well imagine that, too. I told him he probably made the right decision, even if he had gone and left before the revolution, which lasted all of a week or two before Hugo Chaviz then regained power, who knows what was boiling down below the surface leading up to all that.

All that makes me wonder though, about the current drug situation, and the political climate in Venezuala even to this day, and the potential for future conflict with the curent or future administration which could occur for a variety of reasons, on a lot of different levels. Oil, drugs, the human slave trade that purportedly goes through Venezuala, and the general turmoil in the region. And the tentacles of this monster reach up all ready to the U.S. evidently, as far north as Kentucky.

Luckily for him, he got out of the situation before it may well have been too late, despite the obvious allure of money, drugs, and potentially even position. And good for him. He was always a fighter, but he was never stupid.


Anonymous said...

Patrick, Patrick, you blow me away some time with the sheer … um, plentitude
of subjects that you write about. What do I comment on next? And where? And then days go by with nary a peep! Hehehe, you keep me guessing. And always entertained. The only thing I feel even slightly qualified to comment on is the fact that $100 is a lot for a bottle of beer, and 25% is a lot of alcohol for a bottle of beer. Keep it coming. :)

SecondComingOfBast said...

Actually, I've been thinking of updating the Blog only one day a week, but spending a good part of the day doing so, maybe average between ten to thirteen posts per update, maybe twice a week sometimes. But most days I find myself always wanting to put at least one post on. But I figure if I update it one day with a lot of posts that would make it more worthwhile to log into it. It's still in it's infancy stages, so who knows where it's going to grow from here. Meanitme, I do appreciate your input, and I say so sincerely.