Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tension Between Obama And The Clintons? Nothing Ten Million Dollars Won't Cure

Of course Hillary Clinton will agree to support Obama's candidacy. Of course she will be willing to campaign for him. Of course, Bill will help as well. After all, Obama has asked his finance team to help Hillary Clinton pay off ten million dollars of her campaign debt.

Of course, he probably can't legally redirect money from his campaign to pay these debts, so if you're an Obama supporter, expect to receive, sometime soon, a request for a contribution specifically for this purpose.

And here you thought politics was a cutthroat business. See how quickly people of good will can come together-when the price is right.

The Democratic Party is just now on the verge of an actual "Kumbaya" moment. Enjoy.


  1. A small price to pay, to get rid of the old witch.

    He hired as top vice-presidential aide, someone who Hillary recently fired.

    If you think Obama, is some kind of naive, liberal idealist, you are woefully wrong. He'll run you over with a truck to win.

    In addition Rudy refuses to campaign for McCain, unless he's paid.

  2. Yeah, I know what Obama is, a politician. I don't fall for their rhetoric. It's all pie in the sky to one degree or another. Even the founding fathers of the country, whom I mostly admire, engaged in it. They had to.

    I found today where Maryam used to be a columnist for I couldn't determine though whether she is still writing columns for them.

    I've been researching her on the off-chance I can interview her, and have been trying to think of questions to ask her. I saw where you said on your blog about trying to arrange the interview with an "unlikely blogger". Assuming you meant me, I appreciate that.

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Are you voting>?

  4. Danielle-

    No, unless I write in somebody, but more than likely I won't. I will no longer support any political party, which as far as I'm concerned are all criminal cabals.

    The most hypocritical thing any group of party affiliated politicians ever did was pass laws against organized crime.

  5. Maybe he promised to find her a good divorce lawyer.

  6. I don't know, Rufus, I think when Hillary married Bill, she knew she was getting a package deal, including complimentary line of bimbos. They would all make a good doll collection, wouldn't they? Paula, Monica, Brodderick, etc.

  7. Oh, I'm sure she's okay with where he puts his dick. I just think she's probably pissed at how he ran his mouth during her campaign.

  8. Naw, I doubt that. Maybe the part where he started talking about that Bosnia "sniper fire" incident after it was all forgotten, but other than that, I tend to think she was in on the planning of most of that other stuff. Behind the scenes, of course.

    It struck me like he was doing what a vice-presidential candidate usually does in a traditional presidential campaign. You know, the main candidate for president tries to act dignified and "above the fray" while the vp candidate acts as the "attack dog".

    I'm pretty sure that's what was going on with them, though of course they would never admit that.
