Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dangers Of Swiffer Wetjet

Update: No sooner had a published the following post than I received word from Sock Puppet, who has the blog Meriels Medley (which is on the blogroll) that it is evidently a hoax. I had suspected as much, but by the same token as I am an animal lover I thought it incumbent upon me to shoot first and ask questions later.

According to Merriel, as you can read in the first comment to this post, this is a hoax that goes back to 2004 and was earlier exposed by the ASPCA.

Still, I am going to leave the post and all it's contents intact. For one thing, I feel that any post is a part of the history of this blog, so I am loathe to remove one.

Mainly, however, since this is still making the rounds, anyperson with an e-mail account with a major compnay like Yahoo might in time get this e-mail. Just on the off chance that might happen, I would advise you to familiarize yuourself with the contents of this post ahead of time.

The person who forwarded the post to me might have been as innocent a pawn in this scam as I was. Still, all e-mails you receive that is a forward and in sent to multiple addresses is automatically to be suspect, and like I said I di dsuspect, but the seriousness ofthe charges made me unsure as tohowto proceed. At any rate, forewarned is forearmed. Reading the following post might prevent you an unnecessary degree of stress and anxiety.

Now follows the original post:

I ordinarily don't do this kind of thing, but I am an animal lover, so I felt I would be remiss if I didn't do my part to make sure this information got out to as many people as possible.

I don't know how factual this is. However, just on the off chance there might be something to it, I feel it is imperative to any animal lover to ask themselves, do I really need to use this product? On top of that, it is not only dangerous to animals, but even to toddlers as well. Therefore, it makes sense to me that people should cease and desist use of this product until such time as the charges contained in this forward are answered, and disproven, or until the product is changed to where the danger is eliminated.

The problem seems to be the inclusion of an ingedient that is to all intents and purposes a kind of anti-freeze. I will say no more, and just paste the following letter that was forwarded to me earlier. Please read it and forward to as many people as possible.

At the end of each blogger post you will see what looks like a small envelope. Clicking on this link enables you to forward blogger posts to anybody you want. Please avail yourself of this feature in this case, if in no other.

The letter follows:

All right, then, it seems that either Blogger or Yahoo is acting up, and the forwarded letter can be copied, and appears on my draft when I paste it, but for some reason or another the text does not appear when I publish the blog. So I'll just tell the story my own self.

Acording to the story, someone had to have their five year old German Shepherd put down due to liver failure. As the dog had been completely healthy, they had a necropsy done and discovered the dog had ingested some kind of poison. The dog was always either inside or when outside had someone with him at all times, so they determined the dog must have ingested something inside.

A check of all household products followed. When the Swiffer Wetjet was checked, a warning in very small letters on the label was noticed, which said "may be harmful to small children and animals"

Come to find out one of the ingredients is anti-freeze. Actually, he was told by a representative of the company, over the phone, that the ingredient is just one molecule away from being anti-freeze.

Evidently, the dog had walked on the floor,after this product was used, and upon licking it's paws had ingested enough of the substance to harm it's liver. Shortly afterward, two of the persons cats died as well.

Necropsies weren't done on the cats, and so they can't sue the company, evidently due to the warning on the label. Now, as I said, I don't know how true this story is, but just on the off chance it's the truth, I felt obliged to share the story. If you use this product, read the label, and the ingredients, and make inquiries, including to the company.

This is also dangerous to toddlers, as they crawl on the floor and have a notorious habit of sticking things in their mouths.

Better safe than sorry.

End of original post

Yeah, as somebody once said, uhhh, fool me once, shame on you....fool me twice...uuuhhhhh......can't get fooled again.


  1. I too am an animal lover. With two pernickety but adorable cats (and wall-to-wall bare floors to routinely sweep and wash), I did a little research after reading your post.

    This e-mail is apparently a hoax, dating back to 2004. The ASPCA has a press release on its website busting the rumour:


  2. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll be sure and update the post to reflect what you've told me, still I think I'll leave it on just as a warning to people that might receive it at some future date. I thought it sounded a little fishy, but by the same token I thought I shouldn't take the chance, so I rushed through it. I wouldn't have thought about checking with the ASPCA. Good looking out, Sock Puppet.

  3. Oh yeah. I remember a few years back when this circulated on the internet. It had some people I work with all in a tizzy about Swiffer products (they hadn't looked into the veracity of it). I like SNOPES.com as a site to look these things up. For anyone worried about pets and kids and your floor cleaner, try vinegar and water. It's great for tile floors. Just think - you can mope with a giant douche!

  4. Autogato, that is one hell of a mental image. That's a great idea though. I usually mop with dishwashing liquid, and keep my cat away from it until it is thoroughly dried. Also, if you don't mind the extra work, you can simply rinse your floor with clean mop water,
